Let's Analyze the Cards!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Strumiker, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    For all we know, the current images we have are just mock ups to be used in the video, but to kill some time, we can look at what we have.


    So it looks like we have some things to figure out. These are just my opinions obviously, lets discuss!

    Btw, in the video, the Human Warrior attacks something, but nothing is in his range :p

    I would post more, but I'm heading to an In-Laws family reunion (blech)
  2. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior


    I think the 5/3 is the high damage and low damage.
    +2 could be indeed a modifier ... perhaps for a class that is specialized in melee?
    Or the 2+ could be the range?
    R1 = I think those are the Rolls. For example how many dices will be rolled for the calculation of the damage.
  3. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    i agree, the pluses could be for class proficiency... but from the looks, it seems each class might get set cards. im sure there could be plenty of cross class or generic ones, though. the R though sure seems to be reach or range, just look at the cards for the wizard. i think he had ones like 6. granted it could still be damage rolls, but a spell with a range of 6 spaces might fit better?

    another possibility for the plus numbers, could be something in the nature of sacrificing that card to add that bonus to a to hit or damage roll. no idea, just a thought.

    sheesh doing this on a droid 2 takes forever hehe
  4. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    I'm very impressed - you guys did extremely well!

    But, unfortunately, we started you with some bad information. That video was made earlier this year and since then we've made a change to the game system which has caused us to lay out the cards a bit differently. A lot of what you deduced remains accurate, but there have been a few modifications.

    You were spot on with everything on the big card.

    The "3" on the little card was the card's speed. Speed is no longer in the game! It's been replaced by another system that I will talk about in a blog post or article soon.

    The "+2" was related to the card's speed - it was a way of letting you use the card to boost another card's speed. Since speed is gone, this is gone also.

    R is range, as you deduced, although we use an icon now instead of the letter. I'll post an updated version of the same card soon.
  5. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior

    Thank you for your input Jon.
    Makes me very curious how the new cards looks like looking forward for that update.
  6. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    Thanks Jon indeed :) The speed thing does make sense. Was it used to determine a "who goes first" to resolve damage? Or something completely different? Either way, we will be eagerly awaiting the new card!!!
  7. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    Oh and will there be plenty of cards that have more than just flavor text? Flavor text is probably one of the more fun things to have on a card - I can imagine you will have some great comedic phrases on there :)
  8. FreakGlista

    FreakGlista Kobold

    Flavor text is fun ... but sadly ... the problem is, I usually forget to read it :rolleyes:
  9. Ogedai

    Ogedai Kobold

    I know it's early. But needed to channel all this excitement somewhere. :)

    Here's my own mod to the card layout.

    1. I reorganized the info hierarchy and placed more emphasis on the stats as it might affect gameplay the most.
    2. Next is the card name, as more experienced players might refer to cards by their name instead of stats.
    3. Third are the weapon name, attack type in bold font.
    4. Lastly, the flavor text.

    Something to look at until the next update. :)

  10. FreakGlista

    FreakGlista Kobold

    Question ... will there be a possibility to upgrade cards?
  11. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior

    good question ! Wondering the same
  12. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    Since we have a fresh official'ish card, we can take a look and see if we know for sure what each number and text represents.
    I think most are pretty obvious. Melee vs Ranged - then Crushing, Slashing, Piercing, maybe Magic. Unless they would make Magic in place of the Melee/Ranged and then the Crushing would be Arcane, Fire, Cold.

    Now for the Ogre tag. Could this be a monster card? Can only Ogres use this or would certain races or classes be limited to certain groups of this tag? From reading the flavor text, this could indeed be a monster card, although it says Orc, not Ogre down there.

    And then Reach. We don't know how combat or movement works yet. When you use this card, does it move you up to 6 squares and then the attack goes off? Since they stated that there are no real "stats" for your character and that it's mainly about your deck - I would assume that's how it would work. Then again, how could you better position yourself without a "Movement" stat? Do you need to draw a Move card?
  13. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior

    hehe your very sharp for seeing that ogre tag and in the flavor text that its orc. I was kinda confused when i saw that.
    What also is a question for me is, we should( obviously) be able to pick our class ( warrior , wizard , ranger etc), but it would be weird to see a warrior using "Lighting bolt". Perhaps indeed that the "Ogre" tag is some sort of card specification that classes are able or restricted to use?

    About that 6 I think its Range and doesn't have anything to do with movement.
    And movement might be a standard tiles each turn ? Maybe a thief class can have 1+ more movement, but that wouldn't probably be the case since characters don't have any stats.
  14. Becks

    Becks Kobold

    Yeah, it'll be interesting to see what the 6 does stand for... One thing is for sure though, if it doesn't involve any movement then we know the fabled Orgcre (Orc/Ogre) has extra long arms. :D
  15. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    The term is "range," not "reach." Which is very interesting for a melee attack, suggesting we don't know something; and this something could indeed be "move you up to 6 squares."

    I also think the "Ogre" is a class label for a type of monster. Some games use "Greenskins," which is a little silly if their skin isn't all green, but here it might be "Ogres." Perhaps there are "Warriors," "Rogues" and the like for heroes, and "Ogres," "Insects" and so on for villains?
  16. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Damn it, I knew you guys would find that eventually. It's a bug... BEN LEE!!!

    Unfortunately, Ben transcribed the range incorrectly when preparing the card shot for release. It should be 1, not 6. Here's the fixed card:


    As for the Orc/Ogre thing, this particular card comes from an Ogre deck. That's not to say that it couldn't be used in other decks (both monster and player character) too.
  17. Hopibear

    Hopibear Mushroom Warrior

    Hahah !!! We are good huh :p

    Btw are there any restrictions for a warrior to use magic cards like "lighting bolt".
    It would be weird to see a warrior using wizardy cards. Or is the character some sort of skin ( deck cover ) ?
  18. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    Yer right, sorry :p I don't know why I have Reach stuck in my head!

    Will you have a special icon representing specific Card Sets as you release them? Or would you plan on releasing new cards on a more individual basis rather than large collections or series? Oh and thanks for the info and corrected card!
  19. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    The range / reach thing is a kind of Runequest-y type definition to me. Melee weapons have reach, missile weapons have range. Reach was taken to the extreme in the Renaissance with the 'push of pike', for example.
  20. Strumiker

    Strumiker Mushroom Warrior

    Warhammer Quest had this, too. Goblin Spearman had a reach of 2 so they didn't have to be close up and personal with their target.

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