Leaving Inventory Slots Open

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Llamcryf, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Llamcryf

    Llamcryf Kobold

    I've come to the realization that I do not understand how my hand of cards is drawn and this has led me to wonder as to the effectiveness of filling all of your equipment slots with cards.

    Do we draw more cards, into our hand, when we have more EQ?

    If not, then it would seem that you'd want to maximize your best cards by having as little extra EQ as possible.

    Any clarification or advice in this manner would be most welcome. Thanks
  2. Gentley

    Gentley Kobold

    Just pay more attention :-P You get cards with every inventory slot anyways, no matter if you equip something or not. Needless to say, equiping a card is usually the better choice ;)
    And yes, this has been asked this way or another and yes, it´s for quite obvious balance reasons.
  3. Llamcryf

    Llamcryf Kobold

    Thanks! That whole paying attention thing is tough when I've got a wee man riding shotgun (my 5 year old). I've not wiped yet though and am at all of 8th level!
  4. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    You always draw 2 new cards each turn plus one default move card that depends on race. (Dwarf: Walk, Human: Run, Elf: Dash).

    There's also a nice help page here:

    The help page's relatively new so if you note it doesn't explain something important, you can comment about it here:

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