Issue: Characters with the exact same name

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by GunsmoKing, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I agree multiple same names is lame.
    I try to avoid the pause cards because I want to play as quickly as possible. If I only can play for 90 minutes (which is typically the case for me) a reduction of 5 minutes per match can mean 1 more match a night. Yes I know I would probably play better if I slowed down and I would probably be thinner if I didn't eat french fries.
    peonprop likes this.
  2. Dwedit

    Dwedit Goblin Champion

    I don't mind when players give intentionally misleading names to their characters, such as naming a dwarf wizard "Elf Priest", I find that kind of thing funny.
  3. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    Still a thing. Run into it at least once a day. Makes the game log next to unusable for me. Wish there was an easy way to differentiate between three characters with the same name.

    You and 10 others likes this.
  4. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Obstructing the use of the log is a very, very lame move. Why can't this blatantly obvious thing be ended?
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  5. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    And again today. Really takes a lot of the fun out of the game. Especially since I can't correlate cards to items via the log.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  6. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    I ran into this recently myself.

    Despite my love of shenanigans, I "play to win" and don't fault others for playing to win. Therefore, I currently don't call this a "cheap tactic" because it's legal and not utterly game-breaking. (Utterly game-breaking would be auto-victory if my Traveling Curse bounced off my opp's Mimetic/Inspiring Armor. I'm so glad that go fixed.) If my opp can keep up with the nonsense of the names, then fine -- but then of course, my opp's familiarity with who's who, especially with different races/classes/costumes/whatever, does give an advantage where my opp simply knows what's happening while clicking cards but I have to figure it out after the fact, which takes time off my timer. That's certainly needlessly game-imbalancing in my opinion.

    In comparison, recently, somebody's All Out Attack x2 went through my Parry and one-shotted my warrior with a handful of cards, completely changing the game -- and my mindset is, well, 1/6 chance, that's just playing the game. I likewise don't complain about Nimbus, Forcefield, nor Savage Burst; I suck it up and play onward anyway.

    Therefore, I currently don't call this a cheap tactic -- but I really want to, and I throw in with the others here for requesting a fix. I like the idea of distinguishing between characters somehow, and it not relying on some game-able condition like similarity of text; just showing 1) or 1: or whatever before character 1 could do wonders in this case, but since the log is able to color text differently, perhaps that could be used instead; furthermore, to keep the log neater and prettier, making this a togglable option would be nice. From there, the problem would become the immediate pop-up -- which, instead of conveying information quickly (and in an fun way), forces the subjected player to examine every character and even double-review the log just to understand what even happened. That's really not cool; it may be a currently viable legal tactic, but it's imbalancing enough that I agree that it should not be.

    Btw, to answer one person's question on here from I think 2014: It's no secret I used to lose to timer all the time. I'm much better about it these days, but I still have to struggle to not lose to timer -- and even then, constructed leagues still cause people time issues.

    I'm sorry if this post is disjointed or otherwise confusing. I've been sleepily writing off-and-on for probably some hours now, but I wanted to throw in while still thinking about it.

  7. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    I meant to update this some days ago but have been feeling pretty miserable lately. (I even missed work yesterday.)


    I reassessed my thoughts on the matter and believe I can sum up why I believe this should get a remedy and why I no longer view it as a "valid tactic" and instead now do consider it a "cheap tactic":
    1. An identifier meant to functionally give players a quick reference (not to mention fun-ly give players an opportunity to express themselves) loses in-game function when the identity is obfuscated.
    2. There's no counterplay to it -- other than doing the exact same thing, further obfuscating designed utilitarian identifiers, thereby truly degenerating the game.

    Also, to give more reason why there should be a simple "add a number in front of names" option (or something similar) to dissuade this nonsense, if there were an attempt to program an algorithm to compare name similarities, then it would likely affect people who use valid-yet-very-technical identifiers like so:

    [Guild] DwaWar_3.1_A
    [Guild] DwaWar_3.1_B
    [Guild] DwaWiz_2.1_A

    I personally find that kind of name list really boring, $¦^ } but you can tell who's who, yet it would likely fail an "aaaaaaaaaa" vs. "aaaaaaaa" test.
  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Then don't use it. ;) I use something similar because it makes things easier when searching my character roster. It's not as if I rolled their stats and HP or they have different histories and abilities.
  9. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    Hey, put the whole quote...

    I personally find that kind of name list really boring, $¦^ }

    ...but yeah, that's why I said that kind of identifier is technical but still plenty-valid as you can tell who's who -- and more importantly, this thread is talking about MP battle context as opposed to your Veza Item Farm. $;^ b
  10. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Sorry 'bout the quote thing. FWIW, I still (rarely) play party based leagues.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  11. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    How about this as an option:
    name(player [player #], group [group #]) ...
    For example:
    Snick(player 2, group 1)
    Another example if I used one of my characters:
    Gorlril (wizard dwarf)(player 1, group 3) discarded Cloth Armor.
    (I always include the class race info inside the char's name)
  12. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    What on earth is going on here. How about no certifcation for PvP as long as there are matching character names.
  13. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Too simple.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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