Island Affair (PVE)

Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by tuknir, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Card Huntian i want play a game. I see you waste your time chilling out on taverns, drinking your ale with your group while the world crumbles behind you.
    Your inaction costs the lives of many.
    Its time to put you in action: Kill Guztuk and his 2 clones and their followers and freedom will be yours

    Ps: any similaritys with my pvp map is pure coincidence :p

    Attached Files:

  2. OneMoreNameless

    OneMoreNameless Goblin Champion

    This is a really good battle. That's all I have to say this time.
  3. tuknir

    tuknir #3 in Spring PvP Season

    Thanks mate. this map i designed it with pvp in mind. i think its well balanced (for pvp) . but i decided to make it also a pve map. i had alot of fun design this one

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