Introducting - Megadestructo!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Jon, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. erf_beto

    erf_beto Kobold

    And yeah, best of luck with us crazies craving for a beta key, as I'm pretty sure some would kill for one. ;)
  2. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Haha, I hope it never comes to that. Until we build up our database of enemies that is.
  3. agassparkle

    agassparkle Kobold

    Wellcome to you new job.
    I hope you have a great time :)
    What realm have you played on pen and paper ?
  4. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    Welcome. You have your work cut out for you here, lol.
  5. Ezekremiah

    Ezekremiah Kobold

    Welcome to the forums, and good choice on those board-games listed! :D

    I own both Settlers of Catan (basic plus 5-6 player expansion) and 7 Wonders (just the Leaders expansion currently but looking to order Cities shortly), and between a group of us in work, we own quite a collection of various board-games and regularly get together for board-gaming nights.
  6. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Thanks everyone! I've played too many PnP games to really remember all the ones I've gone through but I really enjoy Mutants and Masterminds and Dungeon World right now. I got to try Kobolds Ate My Baby last week and that was a blast as well!

    I have both expansions for 7 Wonders and they do add some great options to an already excellent game. I had to splurge for a laser-cut wooden version of Catan because of reasons as well :) I'm eyeing Spartacus right now as everyone seems to think it's the next big thing and I've recently gotten into Belfort as well.

    So, who should I be watching out for then? ;)
  7. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    Megadestructo likes this.
  8. Dreadlord910

    Dreadlord910 Kobold

    Ahh good old PnP.... I posted my first death on the Facebook page. ( Mine was sinking a Pirate King's ship with the party on it, it was a good time ) For boardgames take a look at Battlestar Galactica if you haven't yet. Also if you liked the old arcade game Rampage take a look at King of Tokyo, its alot of fun!
  9. Ezekremiah

    Ezekremiah Kobold

    I did look at the wooden-board version of Catan, at first, then picked myself back up off the floor when I saw the price!

    Much as I like board-games (especially Catan now I've played it a few times), I wasn't quite daring enough to splurge that much cash on a board-game I'd never played and had only seen one game preview-played on the TableTop web-show! :(

    And I can echo the reply above about Battlestar Galactica being an awesome board-game - as a Fantasy Flight game, you know it's going to be very well-made, nice thought behind the game, but pretty expensive. And you'll spend most of every game staring suspiciously at everyone else, wondering if they're a Cylon - it's a great game-mechanic for developing paranoia and making you suspect everyone else around the table! :D
  10. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    I have alot of board games. Not as much as some people *coughTomVaselcough*, but among them are Runebound, Talisman, Ascension, Penny Arcade, DC Deck Building Game, Game of Thrones LCG, Tomb, Dungeon Runner, Cave Troll, A Touch of Evil, Elder Sign, D&D Ravenloft, and my newest aquisition, Mice and Mystics.
  11. Zoorland

    Zoorland Goblin Champion

    Welcome aboard!

    ...I feel so sorry for you.
    Megadestructo likes this.
  12. Dhramund

    Dhramund Mushroom Warrior

    If you can judge a mod by his avatar, he will fit right in here. Although, one must question the wisdom of letting a crazy person run the asylum.

    I wish you a warm welcome Megadestructo!
    Megadestructo likes this.
  13. Hajeil Sounak

    Hajeil Sounak Mushroom Warrior

    Welcome! Also, Descent: Journeys in the Dark ftw! Nuff said.
  14. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    Man, I've always wanted to play that.
  15. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    Ah, board games...
    (takes a look at the shelf)
    Thud, Carcassonne, Pandemic, Agricola, Dominion, Runebound, Scrappers, Citadels, Tsuro, Galaxy Trucker, Doom, Race for the Galaxy, Robo Rally... :)
  16. Woelrat

    Woelrat Kobold


    And don't be scared. Not all of us are that crazy for a beta-key. You can just tell me what bankaccount I can deposit the bribe on.
    erf_beto likes this.
  17. Lorenzo

    Lorenzo Kobold

    welcome to this crazy holes of key-hunger gamers! :D
  18. Kahar

    Kahar Mushroom Warrior


    And since we're on board games, I recently got Summoner Wars which is a lot of fun!

    Also, MrMojo, how is Mice and Mystics? I'm looking at getting it when it is back in stock again.
  19. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    So you're also a Discworld fan?

    Just how many different kinds of nerds do we have in this place?
  20. Dreadlord910

    Dreadlord910 Kobold

    So many that our collective power would blot out the sun if we ever in one place!

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