I beat Into the Black Forest

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Dorque, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Dorque

    Dorque Orc Soldier

    I don't care if this thread is useless. That was like my tenth try. Got a new Wall Building Staff and it made all the difference. Wall of Stone'd the boss's little skeeball alley he kept throwing bursts down on my first turn. Wall of Fire, Dwarves Rule, Wall of Fire took out two big trees by second turn. All that and I was still down to two guys in the single digit hps and I think I only won because the boss derped himself in a burst to hit them both as I chopped him down.

    In other words, that one is hard. And it unlocked a harder version. *whimper*
  2. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

    Congrats! What level were your characters and what level is the adventure?
  3. Dorque

    Dorque Orc Soldier

    17-17-16, and the module is like 50. The module might not be quite so painful a loss if there weren't NINE DAMAGE ACORNS being thrown at me. 9! Acorns! I have board-spanning lightning bolts that can't do that! And 5x5 acorn attacks! ACORNS!!! Switch the monsters out with demons throwing burning souls of the damned and maybe I will stop having nightmares about that level.

  4. Ponyboy

    Ponyboy Orc Soldier

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