@Fry I've never once managed to double-dip, in 9 months of play, so don't stress over it :X My internet can be wonky -.- @Kalin Yeah, that's the thing. It's been having irregular slow moments, especially when it resets shortly after server reset. Was hoping that something could be added to encourage players to feel less restricted in how they farm it. With the rather big flaw in my idea Xayrn pointed out, I'm not too sure how to do that, now. As far as the co-op thing, yeah. If my regular partners aren't online or have already done it, and the level is too high for new players to reliably have access, or the level is a treasure hunt.. Yeah, it can be frustrating to find a partner. I've actually MISSED fairy altogether at times trying to find a partner; can't say that was very appealing. Honestly, as Xayrn said, making bandit gainable through partners would have been a better idea than forcing people to co-op fairy. An idea like the one in my OP would, if we manage to implement a feasible idea, work to solve the hunting issues, but not the later grouping ones. I'm not going to suggest cancelling the boost on fairy, though- It's pretty appealing when you do manage to get a group for it. For that part of it, I'm not sure there is a solution yet. (Other'n new players unlocking more content? )
How about fixing two problems at once: eliminate the current double-dip method due to rollover, and instead make it so everyone can get loot fairy once solo, and once in co-op mode. Maintains roughly* the current rate of double-dip loot generation that BM is clearly ok with (or they would have fixed it already), allows people with poor internet connection/who are on Steam/whose computer schedule doesn't line up with daily resets to get the same rate of loot as other people. Still encourages the community to help find the fairy, doesn't penalize solo hunters for finding the fairy on their own, builds co-op community by encouraging people to co-op who might not otherwise. People who would be hurt by this: folks who are currently double-dipping solo, but have a strong distaste for co-op. Are there many of those people? Is their pain greater than the joy for all those who would be helped? * - the proposal forces one solo fairy chest and one co-op fairy chest, whereas currently a person could get two solo fairy chests or two co-op fairy chests.
False. It also hurts the people who are douple-dipping co-op cause the reward is reduced from 8(4+4) guarantee rares per move to 6(4+2 or 2+4).
My statement is not false. If you think it is, you need to elaborate. OK, two options here: - If it's intended that people can get two of the large co-op loot fairy chests per day: buff single player loot fairy to match co-op loot fairy. Presumably the whole intent of having the co-op chest be larger was to encourage people to co-op; if the only way to get one of the loot fairy chests is to do co-op, that purpose is preserved. - If it's NOT intended that people can get two of the large co-op loot fairy chests per day: no change, and the people who have been getting that rate of loot can be happy that they were "getting away with it" for as long as they were.