How come BM also doesn't make new Campaign content?

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by mikey76500, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. melkor_unlimited

    melkor_unlimited Orc Soldier

    Do you mean
    1) adding one math per adventure in QD mode
    2) add QD mode quest to all adventures besides 1_hp, No_death, class/race, drawback and recuded_level quests/chalenges

    I am not aginst 1) but vote for 2).

    PS: What about Random_mode quests/chalenges (like CoC)?
  2. HisRoyalHygiene

    HisRoyalHygiene Guild Leader

    Yes, I meant option 2 :D

    And random mode sounds fun too!
  3. It seems to me you are saying that you enjoy building the perfect deck for ridiculously difficult missions.

    Personally, I prefer the challenge of not having the perfect deck to the challenge of an incredibly hard adventure like black plume mountain.
    I, partly for convenience, used essentially the same deck for all of the Citadel levels. This was very nice, as I was able to hone my skill with this one deck against all manner of opponents. I lost a few battles, and a few fights were unnecessarily hard, but overall I enjoyed the challenge of surmounting different obstacles with the same tools. If I had to do it again, this would be the way I would play the campaign, instead of changing my load-out for the battle at hand. It takes some deck-building skill to design an all around balanced deck, and some luck and player skill to be able to use it in any reasonably difficult setting.

    Again, it all comes down to the way different people like to play. I enjoyed the default AI missions, as I was using a standard deck for a reasonably challenging set of battles, and you love the hard modes for their facedesking difficulty and being able to use your own perfectly tailored deck. Different people enjoy different parts of the game. AI had something for everyone, and just because Mauve Manticore doesn't appeal to you, that doesn't mean it should be done away with.
    adajon, wereviper, Maniafig and 3 others like this.

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