Help us track down a server problem - spectating and resigning

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Jon, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    As you may know, we've had a couple of problems with the server in the last few weeks where the server becomes non-responsive and we have to reboot it. We're still tracking down exactly what is causing this but suspicion has fallen on a couple of things: resigning a game and attempting to spectate a game.

    To help us gather some more data, can you let us know if you either attempted to spectate a game or attempted to resign a game around this time:
    • US (PST): Fri 7/8 10pm
    • US (EST): Say 8/8 1am
    • GMT: Sat 8/8 5am
    • Europe (CST): Sat 8/8 7am
    • Australia (AEST): Sat 8/8 3pm
    up until we rebooted the server at:
    • US (PST): Mon 10/8 4am
    • US (EST): Mon 10/8 7am
    • GMT: Mon 10/8 11am
    • Europe (CST): Mon 10/8 1pm
    • Australia (AEST): Mon 10/8 9pm
    and saw some sort of bad response when you did so - most likely an endless load icon.

    If there a game (or games) that was "stuck" in the multiplayer lobby games list during that time that you can recall, that would also be useful to know about.

    You can post information here or email Any help would be much appreciated!
  2. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    As far as I remember I just had problems with my log in. This started on Mon 10/8 8 am with one failed login. Then when the death march league started, I had this error several times, but finally was able to login. At Mon 10/8 12 am I wasn't able to login at all.
  3. Black Raven

    Black Raven Hydra

    Was playing Co-op around AEST 9pm when my main account got stuck.

    Reload browser and had "Failed to load game data" on login. After several attempts had "Login failure #2032".

    Took a while for a successful login.
  4. DunDunDun

    DunDunDun Thaumaturge

    There's one problem with your current working theory, at least as it relates to direct association [and presuming all server issues are derived from the same point of causation];
    I don't touch PvP [or spectating], and the servers have been rather significantly troubled yesterday and today [and maybe the day before? I'm bad with time.]

    Yesterday first browser client stopped letting me type in chat [but I could still read new responses], then it booted me, then it was endless load screens.

    Switched to Steam, worked well for a while, then it 'died' as well, and I was unable to log in to either successfully.

    And just this very moment, the same sequence has occurred, to the point where Steam just finished its part in the routine.

    It seems it's not just me being affected, as others were complaining about one or the other platform having notable problems right around the same time [yesterday], and asking if anyone else was suffering server crashes/disconnects.


    Now in fairness, I'm on and off quite frequently each day, and most of the time these past few days, there haven't been any issues at all.

    It's more of a once, twice per day type of thing, than it is a non-stop persistant issue.
  5. Obernoob

    Obernoob Hydra

    Hopefully there will be no server crash. But I watched recently a match of @Vakaz. When the game ended, I was back in the MP Screen, but the only ongoing game was the game of Vakaz. After clicking on it, I got the message, the game has already ended. Back in the Lobby I only saw "loading..." for the ongoing games and allthough the league entry should have started, there was a timer which was at zero.

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