Several threads poped up saying that the new level 18 maps were too hard. I really don't think so so here some guidance to clear them fast and easily. The Troll Tyrant The team: 20ew Level 21 Elf Warrior Blocking Mace Bejeweled Shortsword Blocking Mace Gauntlets Of The Giant Parrying Buckler Gouging Helm Xalanen's Boots Healthy Trickery Frenzied Slicing 2 x Shimmering Aura 2 x Healing Dash 2 x Mighty Bludgeon 2 x Vicious Thrust 1 x Vulnerable 2 x Strong Bash 2 x Unreliable Block 7 x Parry 1 x Elven Trickery 1 x Reliable Mail 1 x Reliable Hide Armor 2 x Lunging Thrust 2 x Slicer 3 x Powerful Bludgeon 2 x Frenzy Aura 1 x Officer's Harness 3 x Powerful Hack 20ew Level 21 Elf Warrior Blocking Mace Bejeweled Shortsword Blocking Mace Gauntlets Of The Giant Parrying Buckler Gouging Helm Xalanen's Boots Healthy Trickery Frenzied Slicing 2 x Shimmering Aura 2 x Healing Dash 2 x Mighty Bludgeon 2 x Vicious Thrust 1 x Vulnerable 2 x Strong Bash 2 x Unreliable Block 7 x Parry 1 x Elven Trickery 1 x Reliable Mail 1 x Reliable Hide Armor 2 x Lunging Thrust 2 x Slicer 3 x Powerful Bludgeon 2 x Frenzy Aura 1 x Officer's Harness 3 x Powerful Hack 20ep Level 21 Elf Priest Healing Hand Mace Huetotl's Firebrand St. Tesrim's Corona Parrying Buckler Xalanen's Boots St. Bethan's Charm Shuddering Relic St. Bethan's Charm Healthy Trickery Focused Piety 2 x Fiery Stab 1 x Spear Of Darkness 5 x Team Heal 2 x Healing Dash 2 x Mighty Bludgeon 1 x Enervating Touch 2 x Vulnerable 3 x Parry 1 x Elven Trickery 1 x Shredding Strike 2 x Help The Weak 1 x Officer's Harness 1 x Triple Heals 6 x Mass Frenzy 2 x Shimmering Aura 3 x Altruism 1 x Sundering Strike Note: no Epic (except the boots that are easily replaceables) or Legendary items on the warriors who both use the same items. I used some on the priest but he's kinda only here to cast Mass Frenzy. First Battle Second Battle Third Battle Final Battle Sorry for the lags during the last battle, got too bored of waiting for the other software to finish encoding the previous battle. No retry have been used during this adventure.
Secret of the Elder Mind The Team: We take the same and we roll again. Battle 1: Battle 2: Final Battle: It was the second time I ran through this adventure. Never used any retry at any point but second battle was close.
Black Plume Mountain The Team: Why changing a winning team? Battle 1: Battle 2: Why changing the team? Caus sometimes you have to Warriors: Out some parries, in more damages. Weapons changed for 2 Bejeweled Shortword + Infused Greatclub (or Lochaber Axe if you have that) Priest: Full Impenetrable Nimbus setup Weapons: Duality Mace x2 (Touch Of Death is great to one shot the totems) Divine Items: Shielding Token x3 Shield: switched for Twisting Shield to get back the token I even had the luxury to suicide one of my warriors by playing badly (or too fast) by moving to a spot I thought was out of range of the totems. Final Battle: We need to change a bit the team again for the last battle. Warriors: Some anti armor cards are needed to make the dragon feel the great pain he deserves. What's better then a Dragonslayer Sword to kill a dragon? A Petochl's Sword but the Dragonslayer Sword is pretty thematic Went with my one copy of the Petochl's Sword + Dragonslayer Sword + Infused Greatclub for one warrior, Dragonslayer Sword x2 + Infused Greatclub for the other. Priest: no changes Again no retry but I don't think I can beat the dragon on first try every time I try to clear this map.
Gee, I didn't recognize the game music. Must be because I play with the sound off. Thanks for these vids! I'm sure they'll be helpful to many players. Your new avatar looks great too.