Great finds in the internet

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Lucky Dice, Mar 2, 2016.

  1. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    So we all dig through the pile of everything that this thing called Internet is. And sometimes we find something so amazing, in many different ways, that we want to share that with others. So I figured that this thread could do.

    Do any of you remember SilvaGunner? Or GilvaSunner, or Dinkleberg's Dad... whatever. He/she (probably he) has been uploading video game OSTs for as long as I remember (probably up to 8 years or even more) onto YT, so that people can quickly find the tune and enjoy it.

    So yesterday, my friend sent me a link to what seemed like his channel, he wanted for me to explain him what the hell is it about. He linked me one of the videos on the channel and... I started laughing uncontrollably. Why?

    Uh... take a look yourselves. Find a tune you remember and figure it out: HERE
  2. Dieben

    Dieben Lizardman Shopkeeper

    What the hell am I listening to?
    Is that frickin' Flintstones and Jetsons and rap overlays to classic game music?? What hell hath you wrought on the Earth?
    Someone needs to die in a fire for this.
  3. Lucky Dice

    Lucky Dice Thaumaturge

    And here I was, thinking that nothing will be a better inspiration than Shia LaBeouf speaking...


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