Welcome to the forum community Led! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised with some of the upcoming additions in the new build (such as SP chat), if you're looking for specific items don't forget to check the shops regularly, they can be a lot more reliable than attempting to farm for something.
Led, after the next patch a) we can see online friends b) we can see the chat in single player too and c) getting items will get even easier. both for free and when buying. Also after playing a month as you have, you can freely play pvp too. It's meant to be so that nobody has every item they want.
No single item should ever be so critical to a successful build. Yes there are key items that make particular builds better and there are specific cards that are only on high rarity items (e.g. Fireball) or on a single item (e.g. ALMIGHTY Hack) but you can beat any level or any player lacking any high rarity items (Epic or Legendary) and you will find that not all Legendaries are desirable. For example one of the best weapons for a Warrior the Bejeweled Shortsword is a common and can be bought in the store for 5 gold, but you may need to check back as the stores rotate stock daily (except Randimar's which is weekly). To get better items always look to the multiplayer lobby for leagues. Since you are still newer I would stick with fixed leagues or quick draws since you don't need to use your own inventory. Right now leagues cost 50 gold and even if you come in last (5th place in your pod) you still get three gold chests (1 guaranteed rare or better) and if you make 3rd place you get 1 purple (1 guaranteed epic or better). Also playing against humans will teach you a lot more than against the AI, both in terms of how to use position and the utility and possible combos of cards. Seeing how you already found the forums, there is a wealth of know to be found... but quickly here are 3 things which are not clear as a noob: First is that handicap cards should not always be avoided, specifically the traits (e.g. Squeamish) since they replace themselves, they reduce the size of your deck making the most desirable cards get drawn more often (of course use with care getting stuck with Frightfor example can lose a match for you). The second is the use of lesser cards to draw out blocks, sure most people will use a weak strike to try to draw out a parry, but consider using a twin heals targeted at 2 opponents (need to hold down control if you have auto-targeting on) can draw out 2 blocks with 1 card. Third is to use the ctrl key to override auto-targeting to use attacks on your own characters, a popular use is a Winds Of War to move your players when they dont have any movement cards left. One last personal tip which I usually don't share, when playing multiplayer click on revealed cards, except for base movement cards it will indicate what item it is from. You dont get too much info, but it gives you 1 piece (or more) of a character's build. Have fun and happy hunting.
Thanks Doog37 and Lord Feleran. Doog37, I know ill be good at pvp, I made a 1470 rating in my 1st week with the basic starter set, (im an experenced chess player and yugioh player) but then I hit the wall as everyone i talked to and played vs had been playing alot longer and for example had fireballs, volcanos ect and I had not yet a single item with that on. So I do dislike single player with a passion, but im not one to be farmed, I only single player to gear for multiplayer. I took a few losses (was winning 63%, fell back to 59% when i got over 1400). I have tried the leagues, but I am one who would rather have a practice mode to get your head around the game before jumping in and taking 5 losses as has been my case. Im right with you on some bad traits are good and not all legendary items are good. I do check every store every day, got lucky firehide robes came yesterday so happy (makes farming team better). Currently I run every single player event every day (about a 5 hour grind). I have studied every item in the game, made my fantasy build and now I hunt for it. Hope it not takes 2 long before I can be a worthy addition to a clan, if clans maen much in this game as I dont know if there will be team pvp (that would be sick). Love this game
Welcome Led, and glad you love the game! I like PVE, and don't like PVP, but I hope there will always be room for both. Good luck, and good hunting!
Agree, gold is hurting, daily deals have been too good this week, cleaning me out. It least we can use the seconds as a pawn shop, sell your leg's for 100g then buy them back later when you make some gold.
Well if it helps your ego Leagues don't count towards rankings and if you have 5 hours a day to grind they can be a more productive use of time if you are looking for epic+ items. The only thing I would caution against (and trust me after a long run in the 1500s I'm hovering around 1300 now) is being too focused on a specific build. I dont expect another major balancing effort, but CH just had one and things can still change. More importantly in PVP the maps rotate about once a month and while the 4 maps (wait it looks like only 3 in rotation right now) are different there tends to be a bit of a theme to them for example the current maps are longer with central Victory square(s). A team I finally liked post balance became too slow on the longer maps. Of course you are probably already better at this game than I am right now as I can only play a few hours a week.
doog37, I hear you on the map changes making a difference. I farmed untill I thought i was ready for multiplayer, only to find new maps and new ways to loose. This game keeps me thinking and thats what i love about it. I find the victory squares my problem, I win most the fights as most my placement is around the fight but I find I loose most my games due to overcomminting on a kill to end up with 1 oponent man left on a VP and i take the loss.
That is the other reason to focus on MP. In SP 90% of the time you just need to kill everyone. In MP the balance between kills and position is critical and something I am just starting to get better at after being a fairly efficient killing machine. I finally accpeted that range 2 attacks are valuable. Be glad you started after the balance as the game has noticably changed. BTB (before the balance) saw the days of flying Dwarves (thanks to nimble strike which used to be step 4, 6 damage no fly) ice wizards freezing you in place making arrogant armor popular, whirlwind randomly resetting the entire board and firestorm teams sitting in the corner beating you down until you came into range and having short perplexing ray drop 2 cards per successful attack was very different. Dwarven wizard teams are still fairly efficient but there is no longer completely broken builds that have to be accounted for. Now it has become a rock-paper-scissors match interms of build where different builds have match-up advantages against others, but weaknesses to others. Personally I still can't stand playing against 3 wizard teams and I am not patient enough to play that style. Perhaps your background in chess will let you play let you play a more strategic style as opposed to my desire to kill, kill and then kill.