Games to play while waiting for this one to come out (or for the beta if you are lucky enough)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by MrMojoRisin, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. IshidaTsuki

    IshidaTsuki Orc Soldier

    Do it.I personally think that the authors were conscious of how silly this whole thing is, a lot of the dialogue points to conscious parody of the genre itself. Or maybe I just want the Game to be better than it is.... Who knows. I like it.
  2. Sharien

    Sharien Mushroom Warrior

    considering that it has a reference to a bayesian conspiracy i would guess on the side of parody ;)
    and even if were still is fun =)
  3. Ez2bBad

    Ez2bBad Kobold

    The only way i can get my table top D&D kick is by playing BG2 atm. Its kinda sad that BG3 never came out, thankfully project eternity is taking the place of the series in 2014.
  4. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Something about the neverwinter mmo is rubbing me the wrong way but i lack the info to make sure if its a big annoyance are a straight up rage fest i should have. Anyone know how AC works in that game if it is moderately the same as in d&d or if its greatly twisted in to some lower armor value where you still easily got over the 100 mark at a later time?
  5. Sharien

    Sharien Mushroom Warrior

    i am not sure if they actually use the AC system from dnd...the rule system seems to be loosely based on dnd4 but as far as i can tell from the footage out there ppl hit way too often for that system to be AC based
  6. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    And then they probably have way more hp as well that is a good thing tho because apparently part of the buy in bonus is one free permanent ac and that sounds like the biggest bull**** pay to win ever in d&d context
  7. Ez2bBad

    Ez2bBad Kobold

    Yeah i never liked the first D&D mmo. Its like having a peanut butter and bannana sandwich without the bread when you start loosely interpeting the game.
  8. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I completely agree with you about the mmo conversion part. But don't you ever disrespect peanut butter banana again them is fighting words that require fistycuffs!
    Korisi likes this.
  9. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

  10. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I will blow you away!

    Cool idea but nah
  11. A88mph

    A88mph Mushroom Warrior

    I just found a Free to Play game that just came to Steam called "Star Conflict" that looks like it is open Beta. That might be worth checking out.
  12. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    Interesting, going to give it a shot. Expecting progress to be a grind without forking over some cash. :confused:

    Official Site
    Steam Link
  13. Dhramund

    Dhramund Mushroom Warrior

    Banner Saga: Factions it out of beta as of a few days ago. Highly worth check out if you haven't already.
  14. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    Nice production quality! The combat interface was well thought out, minimal movement by the user is required. Strategy seems like it could be quite deep. I wish there were environmental elements (maybe later on?).

    Totally bummed it is only pvp at this point. I can turn on the news, read history, watch/compete in sports, or go head to head in countless other titles for pvp. I understand it is beta, but I'm looking forward to the campaign. Do they have co-op planned at all?

    It feels a bit like playing FF Tactics in a nordic setting.
  15. Dhramund

    Dhramund Mushroom Warrior

    The strategy is quite deep, I really like how they have designed the game. I have not heard if they have any co-op play planned, but I know that the community has brought it us several times. I am like you, I really want to see the campaign. That is where that gorgeous art in the game will really shine.
  16. Sharien

    Sharien Mushroom Warrior

    yeah its quite interesting
    and iron...there are environmental elements on some maps
    the one in the banquet hall has fire in the middle that hurts if you move through...havent seen anything else tho
  17. irongamer

    irongamer Orc Soldier

    Good to know. I figured there would be some at some point, most of the maps so far are rather sparse.
  18. Kahar

    Kahar Mushroom Warrior

    I've quite enjoyed the games of BS:F I've played, I highly recommend it! Very pretty animations and interesting strategies, which only get more interesting with upgraded units and the abilities that unlocks. Really looking forward to the single player story though (having kickstarted it about a year ago now!).
  19. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I have to say the fact that you have to pvp from the start meaning you fight people with identical setups in a game that favors the first hit makes me shake my head in dissaproval.

    Gorgeous game tho but i just don't think i have the patience for it to get past the grindy bit to get to the tactical bit where people at least have 2-3 different guys.
  20. Sharien

    Sharien Mushroom Warrior

    oh the first hit isnt that favorable depending on your formation
    since you always take turns in moving one unit it means tht if someone goes in for the first hit he has to hit a tanky unit and is then in range of archers and most your melee units and can not move away
    also you dont start in range of each it doesnt matter that much who goes first
    the grind to get your troops is kinda annoying...cause an upgrade costs you 50 and you get about 10-15 per won game and your units easily get to the level up point

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