Game lockups in Steam?

Discussion in 'Support' started by wavy, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    I've been experiencing lockups in the Steam version occasionally and was wondering if anyone else is seeing the same. I'm pretty sure it's only been between battles when I hit the 'Collect Loot' button or the 'Continue' button after collecting/selling. The game seems to slow down for a couple of minutes before biting the dust after finishing a battle and I have to kill the app.

    I've experienced this perhaps 7 or 8 times in the last fortnight and that covers at least 60 hours of play, so it's only very slightly annoying anyway. Thought at first it may be server timeout problems, but the slowdowns leading up to the crash maybe say otherwise.
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    It sounds like you may be running out of memory. It's likely we have a small but persistent memory leak. Restarting the client occasionally should fix the problem (I realise that's not a proper solution but it should work for now).
  3. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    I'd be surprised if it was short of memory - I have 8GB on board. Next time it happens, I'll see if I can get any info on memory use.
  4. Jarmo

    Jarmo Snow Griffin

    There's a limit to how much memory is allocated to Flash, maybe around 400MB? The amount you have in your PC is not the limiting factor. Since the first release of Card Hunter I've seen it eventually choke if I actively play a multi-hour session. It would be a good idea to look at how much memory Card Hunter uses when you first launch it and how much it uses when it locks up -- as you already were going to.
    wavy likes this.
  5. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    I recorded some memory uses with the Steam client, running Win 7. Did notice some longer adventure / loot loading times towards the end:

    20:03 - 197 500 K (at client start)
    21:14 - 367 100 K (idling after 3 QD games)
    22:23 - 671 600 K (during The Metallic Monstrosity adventure)
    00:07 - 924 200 K (after idling exported a deck to the forums)
    02:17 - 1 074 500 K (hunting for Hidden Bandit)
    03:34 - 1 088 700 K (co-op @ Return to the Astral Shrine)
    ** Client restart **
    03:50 - 351 000 K (co-op @ Return to the Astral Shrine)
    Sir Veza likes this.
  6. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Those look similar to the figures I get, but it doesn't take as long on my old box.
    Idling in MP doesn't ballon the memory usage the way idling in SP does.
  7. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    I've kept an eye on it today and the usage slowly goes up when idling in SP - seems to sit there for around 20 seconds then grabs another 5MB. It stabilised at 1,285,048KB and became non-responsive for 5-10 seconds at a time when loading adventures or party builds (around 2.5 hours since I started it up, perhaps an hour of play). Played another adventure and the usage went up to 1,500,000K, but it released some after completion - down to 1,435,464K. When playing the next adventure, it's finally crashed after the second battle when hitting the Collect Loot button at usage 1,664,964K.

    Back to 341, 702K after restart.

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