Game hangs

Discussion in 'Support' started by Qui11, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Qui11

    Qui11 Kobold

    After having no issues for the first couple months, recently I've had the following problem on my 64bit win7 i7 8g desktop (no issues with my laptop using the same wireless router/cable modem). Perhaps 20% of the time when I input (eg play a card, move a character) the game hangs on me for between 2 and 10 seconds, then resumes normally. The other 80% of the time the game is quite snappy, like it has always been. It happens both in SP and MP. I play via Chrome and I've made sure that I'm only running the one default Flash plugin. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling Chrome. The issue persists if I use IE. The problem clearly is at my end but I don't know what else to try. Suggestions appreciated.
  2. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Could this possibly be related to a connectivity issue - any problems with your ISP recently? There's not been many lag reports for a while that I recall.
  3. Qui11

    Qui11 Kobold

    Thanks, but I don't think that my laptop would be trouble-free if that was the issue. It certainly could be my wireless card though. I'll see if I can't dig up another and try swapping that out.
  4. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    I sometimes get a lot of 3 to 5 second lags, particularly with moves. They usually subside if I clear my cache and reload.

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