I was playing coop today in the Steam client and after playing about 12 modules, my game froze in between maps 1 and 2 of Melvelous. Chat window was still active, but trying to chat just gave me the response "blocked for abuse." /who still worked. I restarted, and now I can't log in using Steam or browser, both let me start logging in but after I put in my password the timer circles endlessly and doesn't ever finish logging in. Something is wrong with my account, possibly a glitch with an automated abuse detection system. There is no chance there was an actual abuse report, because I haven't played MP in a week. Don't see anything along these lines on the forums, so it seems like this is a new one.
Yeah, I was typing a post about it when I heard a *ding* and there was a message about an urgent server reset. Should be back up shortly.
They're back on the wheel. For now... FUN FACT: I usually play via Steam, so I didn't have a recent copy of the game cached in my browser. But we can't disable maintenance mode via the steam client. So all of cardhuntria had to wait while my slow Australian internet downloaded a fresh web build...