Following the path of the Card hunter Launch

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Cordalinge, Aug 2, 2011.

  1. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    . . . Which is why I was joking! Joking!
  2. Higginjoe

    Higginjoe Kobold

    I knew that... yeah... <_<

    Does kinda seem too silly to be sincere...
  3. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Ack! Ninja'd! :rolleyes:
  4. *kobolds sharpen their Big Bad -skip_intro kila- Spear*:p:p
  5. profroche

    profroche Mushroom Warrior

    Only us super-kvlt people who were here before the board had 1,000 posts in it get in
    We need to think of some nickname for ourselves before the game goes beta, so we can be really elitist towards those miserable scrubby noobs ugh ick ptoo
  6. SurgeonFish

    SurgeonFish Automaton Moderator Staff Member

    Card Treasure Hunters Elite


    Fish Team (i like this one)
  7. brock

    brock Kobold

    I second Fish Team. Or perhaps Team Lungfish?
  8. Dugrim

    Dugrim Orc Soldier

    I hope you're joking, because I think that some people could have find Card Hunter later than you uber-people, and still have the chance to be part of the beta... Or not?

    So we, miserable scrubby noob, need to think of some other nickname!
    The pool of Reserves
    The Last of The Last

  9. Golthan

    Golthan Kobold

    HP is determined by class. Not sure about race, but I think so since dwarves are the slowest of the 3 races to choose from, with humans in the middle and elves as the fastest. Protect your mages, become a meatshield.
  10. Jose Tello

    Jose Tello Kobold

    interesting :D
  11. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Whee, I'm slow, but here's your answer:
    In any case, no one really believed the silly conversation we had about health = posts.

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