How often does this happen? Prolonged gaming sessions or just random? Are you running flash in multiple tabs/windows?
Flash is running in other tabs, so yes I run multiple tabs. I think it starts slowing down ( FPS) after about 1 hour, then about 15 mins later its a crash. This is in Chrome.
Yeah, probably the ram bloat killing it. I had issues running several tabs with flash - it crashed a lot more often due to this. Also, do you use the F1 trick (three clicks) to empty your cache every 30 min or when you feel it starts slowing down?
No i don't but I will do that next time it slows down! Thanks for the help, i'll learn that "If I wanna play card hunter, its only card hunter!"
I just got a Shockwave crash about 10 minutes ago(6:30 PM EST). First one so far. I have no idea what caused it. The game was running fine and then all of sudden, immediately after clicking "Return to Map" after completing the 'Beneath the Frozen Earth' module, it crashed. I use Chrome. Card Hunter was the only tab open when this happened. RAM/CPU usage seemed normal.