[Feedback] Upcoming Balance Change MEGATHREAD

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Questor, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Since I was totally against the original Randimar changes, I'd like to say I like the new proposal. It encourages logging in daily, while maintaining the original feel that a weekly reset gave me. Plus, it'll be nice to have a better selection so that I can make a good choice on what item will fit into my SP or .... (I can't believe I'm going to say this).... possible MP builds.
    Squidy and doog37 like this.
  2. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    As I see it right now the rule lean towards having Elven Warriors (for the movement), Human Priests (for the balance and support cards) and Dwarven Wizards (for the hit points and Toughness). What is interesting these are the three 25hp characters.
    None of these are musts, human warriors should be good and Dwarven priests might be desirable, but this is how I see it right now.
  3. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Can't fly through walls (blocking terrain).
  4. Soltis

    Soltis Goblin Champion

    With the sheer volume of cards that have move on them plus team moves that effectively ignore encumber etc. Someone would have to be pretty darn unlucky to end up on an enemy terrain mod without some sort of movement card. Be it a step attack or any of the multitude of block/armor cards that double as movement. Since all movement cards now guarantee at least to move one position regardless of how encumbered the target is, like I said you could be encumbered 7 and have a step1 attack and boom get out of jail free. So a two card combo is outdone by literally any card with any sort of movement. Most of the time the only thing that keeps me on an enemy terrain mod is the fact that the encumber spell they cast makes the step move I have sitting there pointless to play.

    It wouldn't shut down Dwarves who made any effort to overcome their racial movement limitations. It just means that your one guaranteed movement card is useless for ~2 turns. There are plenty of other movement cards from quite a number or sources. Frankly a dwarf who relies exclusively on their racial movement cards deserves to be shut down every now and then. Heck a single Quick Run Aura takes them from base 2 to move 4 in one card, one card brings them on par with elven movement, for the rest of the game shred/sunder/boiling armor withstanding. The whole point of the racial differences is that you sacrifice base racial movement for bonus HP. What card out there magically doubles elven HP?

    I might feel sorry for them if not for Charging Boulder that has Shrug it off, Toughness and Brutal Charge all for one blue power token. An omnidirectional block that ignores everything but shred/sunder, a card that lets them ignore all encumber,halt,stun effects and make a move and a card that can potentially dish out 10 pts of unblockable crush damage plus it is move 5 admittedly in one direction but still move 5.
  5. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    How often to players geta Sprint team first round?
    The weakness of Dwarven Wizards is mobility, and guess what they should have weaknesses. If you find a way to get close to an all wizard team you should be able to beat their brains in. If you are not playing Sparkling cloth armor and/or Teleport self there is not a lot to do when teamed up on, since spamming with SPR is no longer a defense.
  6. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Well Elvish Trickery is pretty powerful and totally unique, but there is not a card that gives Elves 8 extra hps.
  7. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Picking the best of something is the definition of cherry picking.
  8. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I've also seen the reverse concept that might be more in the spirit of the card. +2 only for hidden cards. Would make Elvish Insight a bit weaker, but I dont think too many people have both cards in a deck, if any. It would make it top out at 8 under normal conditions.
    I love direct damage, so the better wiz attcks being damage over control and discard is fine by me, but this does tend to be the top of magic attack food chain especially since sparks can be stopped dead by resistant and grounding armor.
    Lord Feleran likes this.
  9. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    You are really motivating me to make a vicious FS deck in the test server... and I HATED FS decks because they could sit in the corner.
    Flaxative likes this.
  10. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Squidy made a pretty nasty FS deck. Savage in fact. :) I believe he posted it in the deck sharing thread.
    Flaxative likes this.
  11. Soltis

    Soltis Goblin Champion

    I will give you it is a powerful card and one of the few elven cards that isn't disappointing but also comes attatched to some pretty terrible movement cards Wild Run is sorta OK if your oldest card isn't of any importance to you and those come packed on the legendary token Trickery. For the free versions you are looking at shuffle and cautious sneak all day long. The one with Cowardly isn't even an option imho. The one with Vulnerable will be a toss up once the +2 buff to Vulnerable goes through since elves really don't have the HP to be wasting. To be honest the only time I really ran trickery was on my mage. Which has paid off on a few occasions tho largely in saving her own life all Obliterating Bludgeons worth of it.

    If it came with some more utilitarian cards I could probably see it as being more valuable but the hidden trade off is that by having three movement cards in your trait even if one is quite useful. Plus the three movement cards from your boots because the movement cards from your trait are pretty terrible. you are just that much more likely to draw a full hand of movement cards. Since the movement cards on Trickery are rather terrible that means a full hand of pretty terrible movement cards on a race whos claim to not getting smeared into a pasty stain on the ground is supposed to be access to decent movement cards.

    So again while it is an awesome card the Skills it is attached to are pretty subpar :/
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
  12. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    I for one like the idea about introducing the daily deal shop but keeping the weekly Randi's a randomised shop (to be honest, the shared 10/10/10 idea was so out of the blue that it almost felt like they exaggerated the initial proposal to introduce something less crazy, but lets leave that to the conspiracy theorists ;)).

    Assuming that the changes will make the MP fun again (for the few of us who stopped perceiving it that way, of course), I can see myself grinding for a legendary or two (or equivalent) a week to get my collection building up or to fit a specific deck. I doubt I'll be buying much for pizza, at least not legendaries (it's almost £10 per item, c'mon, that's some serious cash for a single item as long as micro-transactions go). On the other hand I'm biased as more of the collector type, I'm happy with the random nature of drops and I find pleasure in trying to come up with fresh MP builds out of my small but growing collection, rather than hunting for cards for the established high elo decks.

    Even now it's still a lot of items per week - 17 legendary, 31 epic, 80 rares (or less, depending how many overlaps you get between Randi's and daily deal).

    And please, give the daily deal guy/lass a cheeky name too! :D

    Fascinating read about Squidy's early FS attempts! FS might turn into a great positioning deck. With all the recent changes it had I wonder if it wouldn't be good to consider it not self-harming the caster? We might see super mobile elf fs decks :] It would definitely make it much easier to pull off and allow for more variation in terms of armour on the wiz.
  13. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    Daisy's Dailies?

    As one of his victim's I think it's viable. Couple that with wizards stacking a few harnesses and it could really work.
  14. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    I pulled for naming them Arbitron, but I think in the end The Daily Deal is just another shop run by Randimar.
  15. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Well if Cheeky is on the Table here are some ideas:
    Randi's Backdoor Deals
    Randi's Daily Drop
    Crazy Randi's Clearance Specials
    The Daily Deal... Sponsored by The Loot Fairy
    Cardotron's OP Paradise
    Randimar's Express
    Randi's Legs... Open All Night!
    The Flax Shack
    Doog's Daily Deals of Doom
    The Shop... No Dwarven Wizards Allowed
    The Daily Legend
    Jon's Golden Sink
    RNGs R Us
    The Dragon's Den
    The Daily Dungeon
    CFP (Cardhuntria's Finest Products)
    The OP Palace
    Swords, Spells and Beyond
  16. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    Sounds scatological.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  17. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    But no worse than Randi's Backdoor Deals.
    Stexe and Jacques like this.
  18. Vakaz

    Vakaz Guild Leader

    Or Randi's Legs... Open all Night! :cool:
  19. Scofield

    Scofield Kobold

    About Elven Maneuvers and Pathfinding, they make you draw the card before discarding the card if it is not a movement card. I have not tested it on the test server but with the current text of the card I guess the drawing limit can be it really fast, especially with Elven Maneuvers active on two or on a built with not so many step attacks. Was this considered? If not, would be better to just check the card and draw it if it's a movement card? I apologize if someone had already asked about this thing.
  20. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Now matter how many cards you go through with Pathfinding or Elven Maneuvers, it only counts as 1 (or 0 if you don't finy any) draw.

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