[Feedback] Upcoming Balance Change MEGATHREAD

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Questor, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Soltis

    Soltis Goblin Champion

    Can't speak for Martyrs Blessing since I will probably still use that occasionally but since they obliterated step moves Elven Maneuvers is pretty much dead to me anyhow. I've already gone back to my pre-step, pre-maneuvers Build. Less mobility but way more raw damage.

    Can't say I'm familiar with trait cycling but all that would seem to do is eventually get you one more non trait card. Which you might as well have drawn from the start of the game. Like I said I have been at the receiving end of trait blocks that I didn't want didn't ask for and sorta screwed me over and that was just a minimal number of traits. Like hitting pretty much all of my skill traits in the first two hands. There go pretty much any chance to draw if I was attacked, plus it means weapons and gear with negative traits are going to double burn you.

    Like I said I can understand anything that you specifically do that causes you to actively draw a card counting towards that limit but things that trigger off enemy attacks or trait cards shouldn't count towards your draw limit. At the very very least traits definitely shouldn't count towards the card limit.

    Alternatively don't count them against your draw and put a limit on the number of trait cards you can draw per round. After that limit is reached if you would have drawn another trait card the game just puts them off to the side and keeps drawing until you get a non trait card then reshuffles all the trait cards that you didn't draw back into your active deck.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
  2. Hock Faraday

    Hock Faraday Orc Soldier

    Martyr's Blessing is strong, but I don't see it as a format-defining card. If it's such a problem, then it should be nerfed. The same goes for Elven Maneuvers. My point is that at higher elo, those cards weren't nearly as ubiquitous as the usual "shove as much NS/WW/MF as you can fit" builds.

    Crazy Sal's Halberd has never been an issue for me. Trembling Staff was the most egregious offender in terms of trait-cycling - I don't think I've ever seen any Warrior builds really abuse the ability to cycle traits.

    I don't really know why there needed to be some sort of "precedent" in terms of one trait per three cards - all of the Dwarf racials that include two Blind Rage or two Immovable directly contradict that model. Dwarf racials are still really strong, but I think that advantage gets mitigated by the fact that now you can't just shovel a Dwarf Warrior wherever you want via step moves anymore.

    Jon's point about discard being no fun to play against seems to ignore Elven Trickery's ability to generate 5-for-1 advantage or better. Just a thought.
  3. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion


    Just wanted to drop in and say that I can't judge just yet how these changes will affect the game but it's looking very promising. I like the effort of trying to get the balance on the right track.

    These changes, leagues and a mobile app for CH will definitely be a great initiatives for bringing back older CH players like myself.
  4. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    I feel you that there is something to the Randimar's reset... but I would trade that for much better access to legendary and epic items... even if farming for gold just got harder. Think of it this way instead getting to discuss each person's Randi's you now get to talk about what is today's Randi like... My problem is now I have NO idea what I am seeking since I have NO idea where my build is going to go. I actually dont see too much different happening except for being much more likely to stock arrogant armors.
    Overall though I think there will be a lot of different playable strategies and with trait cycling nerfed and SPR nerfed 3DC might not be the 100 pound gnat it was.
    I still would love to have Toughness nerfed OR at least given Resistant Hide treatment (no more than 1 per customer) as the idea that a Human warrior could track down a Dwarven wizard and still not kill it is crazy. Granted I have gotten some back luck with Toughness-Toughness-SPR combos but still 2 Toughness is 1 too many.
  5. Soltis

    Soltis Goblin Champion

    There is that and you have no idea how retroactive card changes are going to effect you. What is treasure today could become trash and what was once trash will be treasure. Hopefully this massive restructuring is a one off because if this becomes a recurring thing I think I'm gone even tho I really love this game.

    I've just been in other games that get into a terrible cycle of nerfing and buffing. Usually starts off with some OP item being introduced with little to no testing. Then everyone complains and (usually right around the time I get one) it gets orbital-nerfed to the point it is practically a waste of pixels. Then buffed, then nerfed, then buffed, then nerfed until the next big OP thing comes out, everyone stops caring and the cycle begins anew.

    From here on out I just really hope they take their time and launch things when they are as closed to balanced as possible. I don't mind the occasional small balance tweak here and there, a point added, a point shaved etc.
  6. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    Agreed. Omnidirectional, unconditional, too few true counters, even when those might be brought more into play now.

    Something else that doesnt care about facing:
    I tested a bit and i am not sure i like that power on defenders block and cause fumble. I play them for ages and clever (re-)positioning was always key. An equally clever opponent can recognize that as giveaway, and this element shouldnt be lost. An omnidirectional trigger is degrading those 2 cards to the joker / failsafe status that angers me about toughness. The new versions are already powerful with the lowered triggering for CF and the card draw for Def. Block, at least make the player work a bit for that protection.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
    Jacques, Bandreus and Hock Faraday like this.
  7. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    Well I would say from that perspective BM has been highly reticent to make changes for just that reason. People have been asking for changes to WW/WWE, NS, SPR etc. for over 6 months and it seemed like there would be no retro rebalance just new cards to help manage the OP ones. So I truly beleive these changes are being done with player satifaction in mind and overall I think once this is implemented there will be some tweaks, based on gameplay revealing what these changes really mean... but little in the way of major changes until the next expansion.
    My problem is I have been well obsessed with getting a VP for the last 4+ months and now it is no longer the top of my list. It is a good thing that there is a list of top items instead of a handful, but I was kinda enjoying stalking the VP and still slowly climbing up the ratings board to where I finally broke into the top 100 last night. Right now I am going to go into the test server (this weekend probably if it is rainy and I can't do anything on the Honey-do list) and see what it is I really want to build towards. I am starting to think that the bludgenator will be my new obsession with Crusher being available.
  8. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    A quick note about the shops -

    The Randimar changes seem slightly excessive, but I won't complain too much. And anyways, nobody will have enough gold to buy all that stuff any more due to the FS nerf. ^_^

    More importantly... since the shops are being tweaked, now is the perfect time for Randimar to open a joint venture with me - neoncat's emporium of shiny things! :D
  9. The Run

    The Run Mushroom Warrior

    everyone should just play exclusively on the test server then all your gear worries will go away lol.
  10. Soltis

    Soltis Goblin Champion

    No I get that some of these changes needed to be made but the extent that some of these changes have gone to counter essentially dwarven abuse. Like I said on many occasions I'm willing to overlook this massive set of changes since it probably did need to be done AS LONG as it doesn't become a recurring theme.
  11. doog37

    doog37 Hydra

    You sound like the type of person who would play Mechwarrior on God Mode.
  12. The Run

    The Run Mushroom Warrior

    would be interesting to know who would be the best on a level playing field :p
  13. piotras

    piotras Goblin Champion

    it terms of Randimar:

    When I was actively playing the game I enjoyed checking the Randimar's weekly stock. There were always a few items I liked for my build, a potential build or just the item looked like might be useful / nice to have in a collection and that what got me playing that week. I rarely got all the gold I wanted by selling loot so I've often bough a few items by gold and a few with cash. A weekly expenditure (on top of a membership) on a game like CH was also easier to explain than daily deals. Also, the discussions people had during that week were also fun.

    The future iteration of Randimar... looks a less fun to me? Not sure, maybe I'm alone on this one but a daily Randimar deal doesn't sound as fun as a once/twice a week thing.
  14. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Daily Randimar resets work for those who farm in advance, but I think it will be a real let-down for those who would get a shot at something nice and have all week to farm for it. However, it IS a perfect gold sink like I've been asking for.
    The downside is that they're destroying just about everything I liked about the game. I hope I can find something new to like about it.
  15. ClimbHigh

    ClimbHigh Mushroom Warrior

    Disclaimer: I've not check out the test server.

    WW (and to an extend WWE) is not-useable after this change. Suggest it become a mass maze of 3 move instead.
    Nimble Strike is over-nerfed. Nerf it to move 3 instead. There got to be
    Firestorm change is huge for SP. Is it intended for dev to vastly reduce speed to clear up SP stages (i.e. less gold grinding runs). FS is not that strong in current meta, but nerfing NimbleStrike makes it stronger. I do understand that Nerfing steps needs to nerf FS. This time, it is just too much

    For the Randimar shop change to having 10 Legendary to choose from, I am strongly against. Legendaries are legendaries that should not be easily acquired (even with the nerfed gold farming). The daily legendary available should be drastically reduced, 1 or 2 should be a good number.

    I am strongly against giving our legendary like they aren't worth much.
  16. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    I would not prefer a daily Randimar's reset, either. I liked the feeling of waiting once a week to see what was available. And 10 new items? That's tough, mainly because even if a few are Antioch's Figurine or whatever, most of us can't farm 2500 (or more!) gold in a day. Maybe a weekly reset with a few guaranteed legendaries? Of course, with a daily reset, we'd probably see the same item again in a month or so, but still.

    I can go either way on the "everyone gets the same items" bit in there; on the one hand, better for balance, on the other, less variety.
  17. Soltis

    Soltis Goblin Champion

    Well I have seen a few other games give you the ability to lock an item in their shop if you like it and it will remember that item from then on until you buy it. That could always be an option because I know I'm always hard pressed to have 500g let alone 2500 gold, course I don't farm quests and that isn't likely to change with all the changes that make farming that much more tedious than it seemed before.
  18. hatchhermit

    hatchhermit Hydra

    This isn't a comment specifically for you, Accent, but is Antioch's Figurine that bad with the pending changes? How about Relic Of St. Darqar?
  19. wavy

    wavy Thaumaturge

    I don't like the idea of a daily Randimar reset either. By all means, increase the number of legendaries and epics on sale each week - I seem to get weeks with no legendaries and no great epics too often, but I'd say offering 10 legendaries per week is more than generous. A daily reset is too much.

    I was wondering whether an interesting twist for Nimble Strike would be for the step element to be your racial move - i.e. Dwarf 2, Human 3 and Elf 4. May be difficult for new players to understand though.
    Robauke likes this.
  20. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Many changes were so drastical yeah :p
    Randimar got now 40 times more legendaries, NS and VT lost 50% of their steps... :p

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