{feedback} invig touch at uncommon

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Christofff, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Christofff

    Christofff Guild Leader

    When I used to do QD, nearly regardless of matchup, I would always wish for invigorating touch as my first pick for priest. Now, at uncommon, it allows me to pick another melee attack card / strong heal card / buff.

    If I take it with a spear of darkness, and am lucky enough to also get a frenzy buff of some kind on it or another priest, I feel like this priest is almost invicible one-on-one. This should not be the case.

    Maybe I am missing something, but I just feel with its potential 14-point lifeswings its a little imba at uncommon. Barring strange circumstances, I will always take it over mass frenzy or nimbus, which are two cards that I rarely bpick anything else over. So if I'm missing something please let me know!

    I just can't help wondering if it was made uncommon only to allow certain items to be made in Ettsc?
  2. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    Invigorating Touch has always been common. Card rarity and quality are two different things. During EttSC, the graphical representation of the card quality was changed from gold to silver to reflect better the quality of the card in priest items. It still costs the same in priest items than before, so new and old priest items with Invigorating Touch should have relatively same quality / power token / item level cost.

    That quality change from gold to silver pushed Invigorating Touch to silver slot in Quick Draw, but I haven't noticed any imbalancies. Yes, it's strong, but not an auto-pick over Mass Frenzy or Impenetrable Nimbus in my opinion.
    DunDunDun and Christofff like this.
  3. It doesn't seem excessively strong on the Host QD map, since if you're anywhere near the VP squares it's extremely open and there are plenty of stabs and spells that can murder you from out of touch range.
  4. Flaxative

    Flaxative Party Leader

    To clarify, the "quality change" only affected Quick Draw, because it's always been a Silver- card on items. It was only treated as Gold in Quick Draw. Is it better than most Silver attacks? Yes. Are we going to nerf it? No plans.

    No, it was a consistency thing. (As Pawndawan said, it became silver and remained common, btw.) The change to Invigorating Touch was basically purely aesthetic.
    Christofff and timeracers like this.

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