{feedback} evensong- nothing better

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Christofff, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. Christofff

    Christofff Guild Leader

    Its all I see on priest nowadays at high and low levels. Even Gnizla whose ranking rarely goes below 1700 uses two on his priest. Six amazing cards. Four silver, two gold. Is there any other priest item for two gold tokens that is remotely comparable to it? If not, should I organise a vote to see if it needs rebalance?
  2. rinco69

    rinco69 Thaumaturge

    The counter to Greater Heal is Open Wound. But it's only on 1 item. We need more items with open wound, preferably with two or more copies.
  3. Gingrich Yurr

    Gingrich Yurr Thaumaturge

    I don't see a problem with it. It is merely a very good and popular divine weapon but it isn't gamebreaking or anything, so why nerf it? And just because a high elo player uses two on their priest doesn't mean anything either, should we nerf everything Gnizla uses?

    Comparable double major items? Depending on my build, I might choose to use Cursed Radcannon, Darkforce Nunchaku, Healing Hand Mace, or Monsterbane Axe instead to give a few examples.
    Maniafig and ParodyKnaveBob like this.
  4. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Or I might just not use double major token divine weapons, there are plenty of other places a priest has good items that use major tokens.

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