I finally RTFM'd. The help page says you only ever draw two cards per round (plus default Movement card, plus any triggered cards). As it says on the battle screen, Draws =2. But, I'm not sure this is true. I'm sure I routinely expend all my card or nearly all my cards on each character, and then get restored up to at least 4 cards. In fact I only ever once remember starting a round with any character having as few as 3 cards. Has this rule changed, and the Help page and the battle screen not been updated? fwiw, the game would be bloody hard if you only ever got to draw two cards per round! It would lead to lots of waiting and passing (with the risk of the round expiring from both sides passing). So I think it's a Good Thing to have more than 2 Draws, I just wonder if the Help page needs updating.
No, this rule has not changed - and unless you're running any cards that causes you to draw more cards (attachments), this should not be possible. You draw 2 cards +1 racial move card every round as a default, so maybe you're just forgetting about the guaranteed movement card not counting for the 2 randomly drawn?
I thought I was counting the default movement card but I will go back and check. As I said I routinely take my characters down to zero cards but rarely if ever do I see them start a new round with only 3 cards. I will do some more checking. Thanks for the feedback!
Ok I double checked and the rule is accurate, as described on the Help page - two new cards per round, plus a default racial movement card, plus any triggered cards.
do you possibly get more cards to draw, for the remaining characters, if one or more characters are dead?
You only gain the 2, plus the movement, plus any cards you gain due to effects. Traits always replace themselves with a bonus card, and several cards will allow you to draw extras (sometimes at the start of a round). The only exception is on the first round, where you get 3 cards and a movement.