Elf Racial Skills

Discussion in 'Deck Building' started by Jade303, Mar 2, 2014.


What card(s) must be on your Elf skill? (MAX 3)

  1. Elvish Insight

  2. Elvish Mobility

  3. Slippery

  4. Pathfinding

  5. Flanking Move

  6. Quick Run

  7. Dodge

  8. Escaping Run

  9. Jump Back

  10. Energizing Move

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  1. Aiven

    Aiven Orc Soldier

    It's no good mate. It's situational to say the least and way overvalued. I'd take any elf gold card over it and most silver cards.
  2. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    I think the acro flip is actually underevaluated as I practicly never see any. It can be really good if you pack some big attacks like with an Infused Greatclub as after you have blocked, you can make an unblockable (caus you would be attacking from behind) attack on the enemy.
  3. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    There's no denying that Acrobatic Flip is a good card (and should appear on some racial skills! Although it is a block, not a move card, so it would appear on a dwarf racial skill... -_-)
    But the cost of 9 points is too high. And the itemization is poor! If you could get an item like "Acrobatic Buckler" (Acrobatic Flip, Parry, Parry) or "Evasive Buckler" (Acrobatic Flip/Wounded Block/Hard to Pin Down) where it doesn't cost too much, isn't legendary and the other blocks are good... maybe we would see it more often.
    Kelvim's Buckler, for example, isn't bad except that it costs a token for the Flip (and it's legendary!!). And why wouldn't I just use Parrying Buckler instead if I expect melee? Or save a token and use Twisting Shield or Eeygonic's/Snitrick's Shield?

    Shields are messed up.
    Flaxative likes this.
  4. Squidy

    Squidy Hydra

    You can also have it on weapons but like with the shield, the weapons aren't appealing.
  5. Aiven

    Aiven Orc Soldier

    When I mean overvalued, I mean that it shouldn't be gold. This means that it costs a lot to have which effectively makes the other cards that item can have poorer. If it was valued bronze or something, we might actually be able to afford it.
  6. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    Dwarves get Charge, which is a move card, so why couldn't Elves get Acrobatic Flip?
  7. Robauke

    Robauke Guild Leader

    I think this might be the place to express my grown dislike for "elvish insight". It's advantage doesn't compare to a simple boost or hightened defense, instead it kinda takes out of the game with revealing all the options your opponent has (when no elves are in their midst). The nature of this advantage is foreign matter in my view. And that it replaces itself with a new card is just the cherry on the bad cake.

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