I am sure everyone who has made maps has found this to be a problem: the lack of tags, for instance a lot of my map ideas have been ruined to the fact that there isnt a tag to support it. I would first of all want to request the tags: noKillPointsFilterPlayer0 and noKillPointsFilterPlayer1 By making this thread I would like you as players (especially the map makers) to comment your desired tag(s) and hopefully @Jon or @Flaxative will make your (and my) wanted tags become implemented into the game. The currently existing custom scenario tags are: respawnPeriodOne - Dead characters respawn at the start of every round respawnPeriodTwo - A respawn event occurs every second round (rounds 1, 3, 5, etc.) respawnPeriodThree - A respawn event occurs every third round (rounds 1, 4, 7, etc.) respawnPeriodTriangular - The period between each respawn event increases by 1 each time (rounds 3, 6, 10, 15, etc.) respawnFilterMinion - Only characters from minion groups are respawned respawnFilterNonMinion - Only characters that are not in minion groups are respawned respawnFilterPlayer0 - Only characters belonging to the first player are respawned respawnFilterPlayer1 - Only characters belonging to the second player are respawned noKillPoints - No victory points are awarded for killing any character noMinionKillPoints - No victory points awarded for killing minions noNonMinionKillPoints - Applies to all characters that are not minions quickDraw - Creates a Quick Draw game, ignoring monster groups and MP parties. Number of QD chars is based on spawn points. noShuffle - Decks aren't shuffled prior to initial draw. However, a deck will be shuffled once all its cards are drawn. quickDraw0 - makes the first player use quick draw quickDraw1 - makes the second player use quick draw quickDrawUseParty - quick draw teams have the race/class combinations of your party ©Taken from @Scarponi 's FaQ and Glossary, thanks!
More than a tag, I would like another type of spawn points, that would be used by any unit (belonging to the matching player), but only when all other currently-possible spawn points are occupied. I believe it would allow a lot more flexibilty for the initial placement and the respawns.
I dont see any point in this, if you want randomised spawns then dont select what character will spawn there and the computer will spawn them randomly.
What I wanted to have was mostly the possibility to have a group spawning on a specific location, while other groups being shuffled together on random points elsewhere. With the current "any" spawn points, units can appear on them even when there are spawn points assigned to their group.
Ok, I see what you mean, yes i'v had this problem myself but I dont think we need new spawns. All we need is to have the monsters spawn on their points and the monsters that dont have a set spawn should spawn on the "any" spawn points
Yes, but that may damage maps that have already been done if we change that (unless we use a tag to change it) Edit: there are in fact only few cases in which this might damage anything, I doubt any map will be broken by this change.