[Custom Scenario] Honeymoon Troubles!

Discussion in 'Custom Scenarios and Boards' started by LeisureSuitLoli, Dec 30, 2013.

  1. Setting:
    This map is the fourth and final map in the Wedding Crashers series.

    As the 4 suns of Cardhuntria set casting deep shadows on the surrounding terrain Miriam Sanctar and Andengal of the Woods finally corner the gang of thieves who have made your honeymoon home into their base of operations. They have neglected to keep the cabin clean as giant spiders have taken up residence. The surrounding forest has not been properly groomed and Beech Tree Spouts have grown untamed! You must reclaim the cabin!


    With the servant having cleaned the cabin and now chopping the Beech Tree Sprouts for firewood, Miriam Sanctar and Andengal of the Woods are now free to enjoy their honeymoon together.
    The goblins might have left a mess, but they also left a cache of valuables from their raids on local homes.

    *The spiders have Infected Bites, so watch out for them.
    *The Beech Tree Saplings are slow, so try to kill the goblins and spiders before they are in range to attack.

    Attached Files:

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