Cliffs of the Wyverns, Young v. Adult

Discussion in 'Adventure Discussion and Strategy' started by Accent, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. Accent

    Accent Hydra

    I played this level twice today, because the Loot Fairy was there, and I feel that the Adult Wyvern is a little underpowered compared to the Young Wyverns.

    For one, less HP (25 v. 30), nearly identical attacks (Adult has one more Mighty Spark, swaps Bite for Short Spark), a worse trait (Young Wyverns have Spark Generator*, Adult has Spark Inductor). The Adult draws three, as opposed to one, and has better movement (4x Fly, Young Wyverns have 2x Fly and 2x Scuttle)

    I remember feeling the same way when I first played this adventure -- the third map (High Nest) has 4 Young Wyverns, and I had trouble with that initially, and going into the final battle, I was worried about how tough a fight the adult would put up. But as it turns out, it's a not much of a boss monster.

    Short version: the Adult Wyvern isn't as much better than the Young Wyverns than you would think, and I feel the adventure suffers slightly because of it. I would have considered dropping Short Spark from the deck for Obliterating Spark, swapping one or two of the Wild Sparks for Mighty Spark, and possibly upgrading the melee attack; maybe swapping one of the Infected Bites for Massive Jaws? If nothing else, I would give the Adult Spark Generator, since that's the obviously better trait.

    EDIT: I will say the adult has a great figure -- it looks more menacing than the other wyverns, IMO. Very intimidating. I just wish the creature's deck backed up its looks!

    *with sweet Big Trouble in Little China inspired art
  2. progammer

    progammer Ogre

    I feels like any monster that is in a single group (boss as you may say) is potentially more dangerous than monster in a group. In a group each monster can only attack once while boss can attack repeatedly until he ran out of cards. It is much easier to manage damage intake in a group than vs boss. If you managed to get out of position, a boss can easily obliterate 1 character.

    That said, Adult wyvern seems week compared to young ones for the reasons you described below. At least put his HP and traits on par with Young Wyvern will definitely make him harder simply because he is alone in a group.
  3. Lord Feleran

    Lord Feleran Guild Leader

    Adult drawing 3 cards (and keeping 2) and being able to unload them all makes him a lot more dangerous that others.
  4. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Meh. The adult wyvern has never given me as much trouble as the young Wyverns, even if they just attack once and then fly away.

    PELL MELL Kobold

    The Young wyvern Armour is stacked up to three cards at once - This is very challenging and as become a grind - i have tried acid to remove armour

    Any hints gratefully received

  6. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    PELL MELL likes this.
  7. Happenstance

    Happenstance Thaumaturge

    1 x mage loaded with as many Smoke Bombs and Boiling Armors as you can manage. You can avoid the sparks with armour or hide, but it's a pain having to chase everything around and a well-positioned smoke makes it come to you. Make sure you have decent healing and/or parries on your other two, because you will wear some Infected Bites along the way.
    PELL MELL likes this.
  8. Jade303

    Jade303 Thaumaturge

    Heh, the adult wyvern should pack Deadly Sparks now. That would make it more challenging.
    PELL MELL likes this.

    PELL MELL Kobold

    Thank you for the guidance

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