2:16 AM EST October 16 (a few minutes ago), I beat round 9 of the Caverns of Chaos, which theoretically gives at least Epic loot. Sadly, all I got was Untrained Medic and Shaman's Felt Cap, so nothing better than Rare. The Club item was an epic, though, if that's relevant at all. Off topic, but I'd like to thank Glasod for her assistance in the aforementioned fight. I'd been told in the past that she was a terrible person and I ought not to feel guilty for using her skull to kill things. Glad she doesn't hold a grudge.
Known bug: http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/release-3-81-13-oct-2015.8279/page-2#post-103506 There's fix coming up in the next build: http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/test-build-3-82-0-15-oct-2015.8295/
Oops - sorry about that. I checked this section for a report and didn't see one. Glad to hear there's a fix in the works, though.