As others have noted, Cardotron is not too hard to beat if you know how to exploit the AI weaknesses. The biggest of these is that the AI ignores Impenetrable Nimbus (as well as most other state effects like Martyr's Blessing), so you can Nimbus one character, and send them in to absorb all of the AI attacks for zero damage. Even if you don't have Nimbus though, the AI makes many sub-standard plays such as healing team members who are already at full health, burning Dodge/Reflexive Teleport by using them as moves (often unnecessarily), etc. Cardotron will certainly pick off a certain number of opponents simply due to ridiculously overpowered cards, but it's not fun to play against. Frankly, rather than trying to put more and more overpowered cards onto a dumb AI, Blue Manchu should probably work on simply improving the AI to reduce or eliminate some of these weaknesses. I'm sure if they wanted to improve the AI, they could open up a thread on the forums and folks here would be happy to point out the various AI weaknesses besides the above.
Another AI problem I saw last night on CardStock II: AI Priest uses Demonic Power to draw cards while at 3 life (no armor), promptly kills self. This might almost be defensible as a dying act of martyrdom, since he was giving the cards to a different character, except that the kill gave me enough stars for the game win, so the other character didn't even get to use the cards. Given it's possible that this is due to the card drawing nerf (these cards now do more damage than they used to).