Cardhunter Sp and Co-op 101

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Christofff, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Christofff

    Christofff Guild Leader

    I'm no Cardhunter (CH) expert, but hope these rough basics on SP and co-op strategy and etiquette help bring some benefits.

    If you are new to CH, welcome! This is might not be the game you think it is! More on that later.

    Co-op Etiquette

    In world chat, it can be good if you specify which adventure you are doing and which class/es you are looking for, if any. Dont just say "looking for co-op". This saves a ton of wasted time for you and your potential team mates.

    If u are shy person, fine, but don't be afraid to speak your mind. If you find yourself getting carried into an adventure/class that you didn't want; you have every right to speak up. It's your choice. (And its healthier for everyone in the long run).

    If u want to be the vocal group leader, fine, but please suggest over barking orders. It's co-op after all, not an authority. Nothing worse than somebody thinking of your moves b4 hand and then telling you to do them.

    Please allot at least one hour for each adventure.. It shouldn't take this long, but you never know. If you only have limited time l, let others know before hand. Be punctual and honest.

    If you don't know, don't be afraid to ask.

    If you do know, don't be afraid to share your wisdom (in a humble way). Eg "watch out for this enemy next round they have acid terrain" etc. Also, dial back on the tough criticism of your teammates unless they ask. It's a learning experience for everyone.

    Finally, most importantly, always try to be aware of your teammates needs. If you have a teammate on low health who needs to escape, but it's your turn...dammit Biff, pass that turn so he can escape (you'll get more turns later).

    Cardhunter 101 strategy

    Respect the game. (Or get punished). I hear so many ppl say how his game is like D & D. It kinda is, but it's mostly not. And then off they go off like Biff charging into a dungeon and get their ass handed to them. Don't be that guy.

    It's a strategy game with a lot of depth. Its more like Total War than D & D. Where anticipating moves can be your biggest asset. Look at how far your enemies can move with their basic move and think about what they can then do. Do they have ranged attks? Melee? Or even acid or curses.

    So try to change your headspace from-
    "rpg / hack and slash" to "combo strategy game". It's much much more the latter than former.

    Some sp games it even just pays to wait, until your priest draws a mass frenzy/ fragile curse, and then combo off. If this means holding off on attacking with your warrior/ wiz with some attacks then so be it.

    So- Just because you have an attack doesn't mean you have to use it straight away. Or on the nearest monster..

    Focus fire strategy works great. for those who play rts games this is their bread and butter. Focus your combined attacks to kill a single enemy, while avoiding/ tanking other enemies if possible. Try to kill weaker enemies first in general to thin the ranks. Killing opposing healers should also be a priority, if possible.

    Not doing things can be just as good as doing them.

    In fact that's probably the single best thing to take away- most of the time it pays to wait and see.

    Useful link

    Comprehensive FAQ -

    Advice for specific adventures-

    Useful advice on co-op-

    Finally, if a lot of this seems new to you, no problem. Why not Take some time to work through some or all of the sp campaign by yourself a bit first. This will give you more confidence and fun when playing co-op.

    So to sum up, this game has great depth and rewards for the patient and strategic player, and punishment for the reckless. Be respectful, punctual and honest with your teammates.

    Happy and strategic co-opping!
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2015
    Sir Veza, karadoc, Wocket and 4 others like this.

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