Card Ideas

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by timeracers, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Range 4, so max dmg is 8
    I didnt realise that its is a step 2 - I thought it was 4, but I would keep my statement as Bronze Silver.
    I disagree with your statement because it would usually heal 4 to an ally and move 2, worse than healing dash.
  2. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    You need to reread the card:
    It says it deals damage based on distance at the start of next round with no max, but do have to be within 4 spaces to play the card.
    Healing Dash is a card I love because it is very powerful. Heals are generally considered more valuable than deals(compare greater heal to mighty hack). Compare this card to nimble strike, you get a heal instead of damage and you may be able to heal a second character, also you get to move away from combat instead of diving in.
  3. billiska

    billiska Ogre

    Thanks for your attention :)

    About Sticky gum.
    @timeracers got my intention here. Sticky gum do damage at the start of the turn, and so the distance is calculated at the start of the turn not at casting time. It is comparable to path of knives, but instead of hoping the opponent to move lot, you could stick the gum and run away yourself. It is a card that elf wizard would have advantage using than other race of wizard. Also, points to Accelerate Time would make it pretty scary. I would be surprised if dev gave it bronze rating considering most wizard cards are on the expensive side.

    About Shining Entrance.
    It is such a multifunction card... I more confident about my stricky gum than this one. Things you could do with shining entrance:
    1. check enemy block
    2. talented healer for cantrip movement
    3. elf manuever
    4. parkouring like a nimble strike
    5. heal
    If this card heal the user, you can imagine elf priest being super hard to kill. Realizing that, it must not heal the user by itself.
  4. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Oh right, sorry I didnt read that properly, then yes I agree, it should be gold or silver (silver if you can only get 1 copy of it on a staff).
    Didnt think of these, changing my vote to silver/gold
  5. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    You do realize silver/gold isn't a rating, but gold-(A-) and silver+(B+) are
  6. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    Please explain
  7. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    You can find the actual ratings here:
    It's hard to read, but it tells the exact rating of cards, actually the exact ratings as there are 7 and a + or -.
    They are all together in this order: + or -(or neither), default(QD rating and default rating and is shown on the card), warrior, priest, wizard rating, dwarf rating, elf rating, human rating. Boots and Shields can be used on multiple classes and picks the highest rating of the classes it can be used by.
    These are the letters they are represented by: AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, and E. Here is an example card:
    217,Penetrating Stab,Pen. Stab,Attack,Melee,Piercing,6,,2,,,,,,,,,<u>Penetrating</u>.,"Lizardman spears are tipped with chipped obsidian, crude, yet sharper than any steel.",<aia> punctures <ata> with a *penetrating stab!*,,,,,,,,,TargetedDamageComponent,penetrating,,,,,,,,,,-,A,A,B,C,,,,Common,Harmful,,Implemented,STAB,,0,2,"Weapon,Divine Weapon,Staff,Martial Skill",Done,,,,,,,,
    I have bolded the ratings. Its says it is A for QD(the + or - makes no difference for QD), A- for warrior equipment, B- for priest equipment, C- for wizards equipment, and A- for racial skill slots(the default is used because there is no set rating), an A- for boots and shield(warrior selected because it is the highest of class ratings).
    For creating item purposes: D = 0 levels. + or - adds or subtracts 1, and letter changes it by multiples of 3.
    BlackVoidDeath likes this.
  8. Vlamona

    Vlamona Thaumaturge

    Pursuing Darkness
    Trait. Attach this card to yourself.

    There is no line of sight through a square occupied by you.
  9. billiska

    billiska Ogre

    I remember someone saying in world chat that stab should be able to be blocked by a character standing between. This is similar. I think it would be fine to give this card bronze rating.
  10. Fanturluche

    Fanturluche Thaumaturge

    Utility, Paper? Bronze quality
    Projectile Sonic, range 4, no damage
    Target square. Each caracter distant from you by 3 square or less turn to face the target. Unblockable. Cantrip.
    "Look out! A three headed hydra!" - Last words ever heard by Clumsy Joe

    Attack, Bronze Paper quality
    Melee Crushing, range 1, no damage
    (On hit)Roll a die. Keep unless 1.
    (A poking Stick with range 2 is also possible)
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  11. seth arue

    seth arue Thaumaturge

    No, never. Consider this: Crusher + Frenzy effects on = repeatable beating.
  12. Fanturluche

    Fanturluche Thaumaturge

    When I said "No damage", I did not mean "0 damage". I meant no damage as in War Cry, Perplexing Ray and son on: no damage, even with frenzies.
  13. billiska

    billiska Ogre

    Diversion is NOT paper quality. It's quality is at most gold and at least silver because it is comparable to Jump, Soldier!. To break down its uses:
    • Turns all your nearby allies towards enemy of interest
    • Turns at least one of enemies so he shows his back to your team.
    • Both can be done at the same time in cantrip.
    I'd give it silver- rating as a final call.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  14. billiska

    billiska Ogre

    I'll give poke paper quality or even black quality.
    You should compare it with Weak Strike.

    You might think, hey, I can check melee blocks on all your characters with just this one card! how good is that!?
    The answer is, not very good. Because if you need 3 turns to do that and need to be adjacent to 3 characters.
    Even if against 1 character, wasting 1 turn is huge.
    Speed of executing your plan is very important in melee. If you move in and check block first, I might just attack you once in meanwhile and just run away.

    That said, I think it's a cool card to have that can make subtle parry and low-damage-conditioned blocks a bit more relevant in game.

    BTW, will this card trigger all-out-attack?
    BlackVoidDeath likes this.
  15. Fanturluche

    Fanturluche Thaumaturge

    I admit I did not think thoroughly about the possibility to turn allies around. So paper quality is definitely too low. But changing ennemy facings is not really better than what War Cry does, which is bronze and also has cantrip.
    Jump, Soldier! is strong because it MOVES someone, so you can get in range, out of range, or push someone into lava. That is far from being what my Diversion does.
    I'd say it's bronze, IMO silver is too high for a card that only changes facings.
  16. BlackVoidDeath

    BlackVoidDeath Guild Leader

    It would, but it would not be intended.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  17. billiska

    billiska Ogre

    Yes, bronze sounds reasonble now that you think lack of moving is counter-balanced by being able to achieve effects on multiple characters at once.
  18. Vlamona

    Vlamona Thaumaturge

    Poke could be used to remove blocks. It is very good.
  19. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Also poke could be used to provoke and to turn to face
  20. billiska

    billiska Ogre

    So do weak strike. It also get discarded when blocked, again same with weak strike, because he said roll a die to keep *on hit*.
    The only difference between poke and weak strike is that instead of doing some damage(which can be buffed), you get to keep the card.
    To be honest, I think poke is worse than weak strike.

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