I didn't notice a thread for making cards so I thought I would make one. I thought of a card with both block and keep: Block any. If this blocks move back 1 if you can't discard this instead. Keep. 5+ I also thought of a trait: Trait. Attach this card to yourself. Durations 2. Add 3 damage to any Melee Attack you play. When you take damage, add 2 to that damage. Keep.
A "keep" block card would seem really overpowered to me, but then I remembered dodge and jump back, so it has my vote of approval. Maybe something like "Sliding Block"? I also thought of what could be a new drawback, "Dizzy", as a softer alternative to trip. Because of my personal belief we could use some more non-trait drawbacks, that's exactly what it will be. If you play a move card, cancel it and move 1, changing orientation to a random direction. Saving roll, 3+ When played, it's the same effect as it would be if it canceled a move.
Disarming strike 3 damage, 1 range, target discards their oldest attack card Suggested as a silver= (6, B) card I like your dizzy idea.
Kick off: do 3 damage then move 2 backwards fly force bomb: burst one push 1 Sweeping Kick: range 1 3 damage halt you may choose 2 targets for this attack uncontrollable charge: run in one direction until you encounter impassable terrain or another character take 3 points of unblockable crushing damage
Guess i should put my Oceania themed cards in here, most of these would be silver quality: Boomerang throw- Range 4, damage 3, hard to block 3, on a die roll of 4+ this atk returns to the hand of the character who played it. (Given the annoyance this card could cause if multiple rolls are made, the number of copies of this card would be fairly limited) Stingray spear stab- Range 2, damage 5, poison 3 for 2 turns. Toothed club slash- Range 1, damage 7, if the character targeted by this attack has no armor, add 3 to the damage. Camouflage (Utility)- May self target, become invisible to your opponent, duration 2, or if hit by an enemy attack Tribal dance (Magic, Holy)- All characters in your party receive 1 extra movement point for each move card played excluding step attacks, duration 3
Stingray spear stab should be silver=(6), Toothed club slash should be bronze+(4), Tribal dance should be silver-(5). The other cards I will not talk about because they add new concepts to the game.
Self Destruct: If you have less than 5 health deal 20 unblockable, unpreventable damage to yourself and everyone within 1 radius
Self Destruct does too much damage, should do 15 to not insta kill elf wizards, secondly just say unblockable and unpreventable damage to yourself and everyone within 1 radius. Blink should not have that secondary text. Don't forget that you can use the edit post button. The posts mentioned have been edited so disregard this.
Consuming Strength: trait add 6 to all attacks anytime you play an attack card deal 6 penetrating damage to yourself
Slippery Socks: trait whenever you play a move card it becomes a run in one direction until you encounter a wall or another character
Ducking Uppercut should be silver=, Consuming Strength should be changed to frenzy 3, anytime you play an attack card deal 3 unpreventable damage to yourself.
Blink should be bronze+. Slippery socks is a cool idea but I think it shouldn't affect step, flying, teleporting, or free moves.
Blind: magic card range 3. attach to target. when target plays a card target must succeed at a 4+ die roll to succeed