Wait do you guys know about this? A Japanese Card Hunter Wiki? http://wikiwiki.jp/cardhunter/ They're missing lots of stuff, though.
Build 3.90 Aloyzo's Arsenal 4 in the house: Scar Of The Hero Storge's Proboscis Hu La Houp's Vicious Circle
It seems that the links in Cards Unique to Items do not work. (at least not with IE or Firefox) I only get an empty page from every link.
It looks like only the 6 card item types aren't working (weapons, divine weapons, staffs). The 3 card types are generating for me.
Ah, my bad. I concur that "Weapons, Divine Weapons, Staves" links don't work. Rest of the links are fine.
The AA items do belong to a different set in the Equipment.csv file, but for I think for historical reasons when the set flag was first added to the wiki, it was used to identify expansions. Since the AA items aren't expansion items, they fall into the basic set. The items themselves to the "Aloyzo's Arsenal Item" category for searches etc, but there isn't something visual on the wiki template itself (e.g. for the expansions). I guess we could add something? =D
AA is an expansion, and probably should be on the wiki. There may ultimately be new cards, AA chests, etc., under the same umbrella, so who knows.
Makes sense, I meant not an expansion in terms of the way they're dealt with currently, I shall look through my messages with Phaselock to figure out why =D Hi, thanks for the suggestion; I'll grab some time to update the script which updates the items and have a look at the template. Currently the automatic script will overwrite those changes, apologies in advance, encourage the input though =D
Found some bizarre spam pages on the wiki. I was working on making an item for the future Aloyzo's Arsenal #7, which is Valentine's Day themed. I searched for "heart" and these came up. http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Avail_Morocco_Holiday_break_Deals_for_Countless_Entertaining http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/RI...day_comfort_and_ease_with_oriental_refinement http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/5_Melbourne_Motels_with_Five_Stars http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Stunning_Gardens_near_your_Marrakech_Luxury_Hotel I decided to investigate a little and searched "hotel". Similar pages popped up. http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/index.php?search=hotel&go=Go&title=Special:Search Here are some screenshots.
The spammers are at it again! http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Agadir_is_a_metropolis_in_the_southern_aspect_of_Morocco Some older ones I found, too. http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Ca...Seating_A_Girl_And_Couples_In_A_Passenger_Car http://wiki.cardhuntria.com/wiki/Car_Parts_Accessories_Automotive_Part_Listings
Those were like some strangely beautiful poetry. Deleted/blocked accordingly, clearly missed some x.x Thanks!