Windows 10 64-bit Desktop Most current Chrome Version 51.0.2704.103 m Does not work on MS Edge Browser, either. I have played countless games this weekend without issue up to last night. This morning, I am unable to log in. I get past the log-in screen, then it loads for 3 minutes until I eventually get an error pop-up stating something like: "Failed to load game data". Repeated attempts are not successful. Since I am having issues, I decided to download and test it on Steam. It gets me past the login, loads up the campaign map and appears to work. Unfortunately, I was hoping to eliminate the middleman and solely use Chrome for a variety of reasons. Is there something I have done wrong? Is there something I can check to fix this? It worked fine from the same computer no more than 12 hours ago.
Can you try Firefox? I was going to suggest doing a forced refresh in Chrome, but searching how to do that led me to a long thread with lots of people saying it doesn't work.