bye bye

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by tst, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    Hey guys! It's true that BM doesn't have that as many devs as other companies out there and that, yes, I'm not on here full-time (especially now as I am visiting distant family for the holidays). That being said, we do read a lot of the forum but responding to a lot of the content on here takes away precious time from actually developing the game.

    Jon and company take a very serious and data-driven approach to game balancing and updates; this means that while our updates may happen less frequently than some may like, we talk about them, test them, and work on them a LOT before they go live. Everything that can have a significant impact is thought through thoroughly (wow, some alliteration there) before being implemented. That and it takes some time to get it implemented because of the small number of devs on hand.

    Most of the time, if I see anything worth mentioning, I pass it on up to the team for them to look at, talk about, and discuss. The list of things to work on only grows with time because people always point out things faster than we can fix 'em (isn't that always the case). But we're working on trying to keep a balance between new content and game tweaks.

    Thanks everyone and Happy Holidays! :)
  2. Bearson Onyx

    Bearson Onyx Goblin Champion

    I'm sure (and even excited, dare I say) of how the game is going to look like, let's say, a year from now.
    I have no doubt that eventually every gripe will be dealt with via fixes or an explanation as to why it shouldn't be fixed even if I think the pace is slower than I would have liked.
    What I would sugeest, if possible, is perhaps the devs making you and megadestructo even more informed as to where the game is going and what lies ahead so you guys, who probably have a bit more time, can let us know on a more regular basis.
    I've said before I'm really curious to know if they are even considering nerfing some or all of the op cards that have been extensively discussed in other threads.
    Bringing you guys, the mods, even partly into the loop so you can give us even just a general answer will be greatly appreciated and will probably help raise the overall mood of current players.
    Scared Little Girl and Flaxative like this.
  3. Mosalla

    Mosalla Orc Soldier

    I haven't played even a few card games. But I slowly feel that my adventure with Card Hunter is coming more and more to the end. Sooner that I thought it would. This is because of limited strategies people use. And that is the result of cards and map choices and game design. I used to play Etherlords 2 a lot. I spent much more time with it and it used to be really interesting. Especially random mode, in which you and your opponent were choosing some cards from random generated pool of... items - using this game terminology. This and choosing team which would benefit from these cards made every game different and fun for very long time. I think I will post the suggestion like that in the proper part of the forums as well.
  4. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    I loved etherlords 2 (!!), although I only played single player. Also, the devs have mentioned interest in drafts or similar random item pvp - it's probably more a question of manpower, time and priorities.
    Bearson Onyx likes this.
  5. Mosalla

    Mosalla Orc Soldier

    E2 single player was awesome but nothing compared to multiplayer. I am not aware of devs plans and talks, so I am already writing some suggestion in the right place. ;)
    Pengw1n likes this.

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