Not a bug, but same art probably causes confusion - you're probably looking for Sizzling Bolt. I see the fire sprite has a silver quality card in his hand- and it refers to sizzling bolt in the log.
Sorry, "just cast" actually meant "cast this round, two turns ago," which is why it's not visible in the in-game log. Here are the relevant console log lines: Code: BATTLE LOG: Player=Gary,Scenario=Lava Bridge,Room=neoncat's battle (custom),RoomID=446024,Event=PlayAction,Action=Fire Bolt,Instigator=Incinitus,Targets=Idris BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Lava Bridge,Room=neoncat's battle (custom),RoomID=446024,Msg=Idris took 2 damage BATTLE LOG: Scenario=Lava Bridge,Room=neoncat's battle (custom),RoomID=446024,Msg=Attaching Fire Bolt to Idris Also, if you look closely at the card attached to the circled elf, it's clearly not the Sizzling Bolt art, and I had moused over it to make sure I wasn't misidentifying the card. The Sizzling Bolt from the in-game log is attached to the top-most elf.
I can't reproduce this. Are you sure she didn't move after getting hit? I see two Dashes in the log, and five of those ash tiles are within range.
I haven't got the log anymore myself, but since you can't reproduce, that's probably right. Sorry for the confusion.