Buff vampire form AND nerf werewolf form

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by Pyrious, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. Pyrious

    Pyrious Hydra

    Let's compare Vampire form to Werewolf form.

    Where they are identical:
    • Creature of the Night
    • Prowl
    Where they are similar:
    • Form trait (Lycanthropic Form vs Vampiric Form):
      • Lycanthropic Form's effect is stronger in every case except silver damage.
    • Handicap trait (Mad Dog vs Loner)
      • Mad Dog is far superior to Loner.
    • Powerful move card (Mighty Charge vs Swarm Of Bats):
      • Mighty Charge has the benefit that it quite often deals extreme swingy damage, while Swarm of Bats has the benefit that it "stacks", i.e., there is no diminishing returns on drawing multiple copies of it, whereas Mighty Charge does not. While it seems on the surface that Swarm of Bats should be the winner here, keep in mind that vampires don't have any powerful attacks in their deck to take advantage of the move 4 reaction--besides Sneaky Bloodsuck.
    • Armor card (Monstrous Hide vs Flight Aura):
      • Monstrous Hide has the benefit that it "stacks" much like above, whereas Flight Aura does not. While Flight Aura's effect seems like it should be useful, the fact that Swarm of Bats and Prowl are in the deck make it almost useless.
    After comparing the similarities, Werewolf form appears to be strictly superior to Vampire form in every way. Let's take a look at the remaining cards though.

    Werewolf form: Howl, Lunging Bite, Vicious Thrust, Vicious Bite, Massive Jaws, Sundering Strike, All Out Attack.
    Vampire form: Avenging Touch, Spear of Darkness, Consuming Touch, Enervating Touch, Vampire's Kiss, Invigorating Touch, Sneaky Bloodsuck.

    Just looking at those cards, it is apparent that Werewolf Form is built like a powerful warrior, while Vampire Form is built like a tokenless SP vampire. (with some prowl and swarm of bats thrown in)

    ALSO, remember that Howl is heal 2 + cycling on a character that has ample armor, so Werewolves can still heal themselves effectively.

    Thus it should be no surprise that Werewolves are like cockroaches in high-level multiplayer while Vampires are like unicorns.
  2. Macizo

    Macizo Guild Leader

    I dont think wolves are broken or overpowered but i agree that vamp form just has flavor than useful things, i would love the heal 3 every round on control priest... But the vampire pool draw its unsuitiable for that. And for melee it base dmg its too lacking and they have few moves.

    Wolves are good, but not broken i played them a bit and discover that i still want to draw from my deck and the armor 2 not always compensate. They are more annoying than anything. I lost more games to Punishing/fire wizards than wolves.

    The down side of the forms its their fixed deck.

    Edit: http://forums.cardhunter.com/threads/should-forms-be-reformed.10635/page-2#post-127944
    Testlum likes this.
  3. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator

    Just to clarify, in any situation where a character is not being attacked (running and hiding, vp squatting, etc.) the vampire form card is actually better assuming the character is below full hp.

    That said, I agree with the sentiments, that the vamp form is underpowered. But I'm also with Macizo that wolf form is not overpowered, it's just good, where the other forms are not.
  4. j3st3ri

    j3st3ri Thaumaturge

    I posted this suggestion earlier to Janet's post about forms:

    Vampiric Form - Add 2 to the amount initially healed when you play an Attack with Heal. (this replaces the old bonus)
  5. tolkien

    tolkien Thaumaturge

    I'd like to see vampiric form buffed to: attacks gain penetrating.


    Penetrating for me.

    PULSEFLECT Orc Soldier

    Penetrating? Nope. Fangs cannot bite through enchanted mail. LOGIC DICTATES ACTION.
    Instead, I prefer Hard to Block. Think about it. A dark and pale form swoops at you from above. You try to parry it. It bites your hand. YOWCH. You die. YAY.
  8. tolkien

    tolkien Thaumaturge

    Okay, I'll like @j3st3ri s suggestion more now.
    But I also have a new suggestion to help two problems with vampiric form. Problem 1: Consuming Touch, which vamps have, looks exactly like Consuming Spear, which players can have. Problem 2: Werewolves can heal into heals where Vamps cannot.

    So I suggest trading out Consuming Touch with a new card: Extra Bite. Damage 4 Range 1.
    Draw a card.
    Graphic could be the following:
    Or Extra Bite: Damage 2. Range 1. Heal 1 for each point of damage this attack deals.
    Draw a Card.
    Pyrious likes this.


    Lately I've been thinking about how powerful vamp attacks are.
    I believe the whole point is that they're supposed to be not-so powerful so that one has to balance out their health.
    @tolkien's suggestion is on the right track. Cycling needs to be added to vampires, although through an attack.... I'm not so sure about that one.

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