Browser / Game Scaling

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Kvothe_Rocks!, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. Kvothe_Rocks!

    Kvothe_Rocks! Kobold

    I run my home pc on a 46" HDTV but sit 5 feet away (a true couch potato!) and really hope that the engine running Card Hunter can scale well to accomodate a diverse display ratio! I do not know much about flash but have read that is what Card Hunter's engine is. In between Flash and bitmaps used for graphics will this sweet looking game be able to scale?
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yes and no. The game is bitmap based so when you resize the game window, you won't get bigger (higher-rez) game pieces. But you will get to see more of the board and your hand will re-arrange itself to use more of the screen. If you play in a small window and you have a large hand (of cards), they will overlap but a big window lets the game lay them out in a non-overlapping fashion.

    It's more about it being a 2D game than anything to do with Flash. It's pretty cool how you can resize the game to just about any size though.
  3. Kvothe_Rocks!

    Kvothe_Rocks! Kobold

    Excellent and thanks for the response! I will move the couch closer to the tv/screen if need be! I have a heartfelt desire to see Blu Manchu succeed based on what I have read about the horrors of self-funding/publishing, so for what its worth at this early stage of development, sign me up Im buying!
  4. sageco

    sageco Kobold

    Hmm, since its a browser game, does this mean Flash? Or is it gonna be some kind of plugin?
  5. Kvothe_Rocks!

    Kvothe_Rocks! Kobold

    Yes it is Flash based and they are planning an Air/downloadable app as well. I believe I have also heard that they will try for IOS support sometime after the initial release.
  6. brock

    brock Kobold

    The scaling sounds awesome. I may have to hook it to HDTV just for that!

    I'm personally excited to play it on my work computer, because it's browser-based. Don't tell my boss! :D
  7. Bryan

    Bryan Kobold

    Will probably head over to my friends house to play on his HDTV. Him with his TV and me with my iPad (connected to my home PC at first, then app when the iOS version is released).

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