Beta Keys coming here!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Jon, Jan 10, 2013.

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  1. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    They are - these are just "extra" keys.
  2. sephiroth38

    sephiroth38 Mushroom Warrior

    it's only a bonus. They send the email keykode and what is the problem if they give a dozen keys even on social? it's a way like another to increase the hype and let be known on the internet.
  3. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    Well you don't know how pissing off it is when you check forums and comment posts everyday for few months and see that some guy with 1 post saying 'lol, I like it' got a key or a dude without any posts took it from FB or TW..

    Anyway I'm off. It's my last post until I'll get my key (not counting suggestion threads about the cards/game)
    Kodi likes this.
  4. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Mushroom Warrior

    Well if these are the extra keys then why the didn't I get one vie email? I signed up months and months ago. It's goddamn unfair!
  5. Hallas

    Hallas Mushroom Warrior

    Thousands of people have signed up months and months ago. They don't give them all keys at once. It's a lottery, the only completely fair way.
  6. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Mushroom Warrior

    Oh so that's how they are doing it.
  7. Hallas

    Hallas Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah, their servers can't handle a huge number of people signing in and playing games all at once. They're doing it gradually. They've mentioned this a few times in various posts.
  8. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Mushroom Warrior

    I understand now.
  9. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Yep, most of the keys are going out via the beta list. We thought it would be fun to hand out a few extra ones this way but your best bet of getting one is still to be on the list.
  10. sephiroth38

    sephiroth38 Mushroom Warrior

    another good way i think is to give an extra one to the helpful people already in beta that do a good bug report. For their friends :D

    (i't s a good idea, but i admin i have to gain with this because my friends are quite active hehehe).
  11. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Mushroom Warrior

    I'm am not having fun in the least. Especially when I signed up so many months ago and been following every interview/article you have done for the media.
  12. sephiroth38

    sephiroth38 Mushroom Warrior

    as other thousands people have done, and they sent less than 300 betas :D
  13. Unlucky Scarecrow

    Unlucky Scarecrow Goblin Champion

    It's all about grabbing a variety of players, I imagine. Keys posted via social media or forums will grab the hardcore guys, and keys sent out via the signup will probably grab a lot of casuals. I'm willing to bet most people that signed up that way just left their email and left, and aren't super active on the forums.
  14. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Mushroom Warrior

    I'd prefer if they'd just send out the betas quietly via email. This is painful and I'm sorry and can't help it but it makes me mad.
  15. Hallas

    Hallas Mushroom Warrior

    Very true. Hell, I haven't posted really anything, but I'll check in and see what the news is a couple times a week. I thought I had a beta spot secured when I found Card Hunter at PAX and signed up. Of course, my email is ridiculous and not exactly easy to spell and hard to read when hand-written, so I've probably missed out on that chance.
  16. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    Sorry, that was pretty far from fun.
  17. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Mushroom Warrior

    Yeah. And it's not a good way of making friends.
  18. Necrometzer

    Necrometzer Mushroom Warrior

    I dunno. It seems to have brought quite a few new people to the forums under a banner of camaraderie and a friendship forged under mutual grief and disappointment. Sounds like a good way to meet new people and make some friends. Although it might not net the devs any friends.
  19. TokyoDan

    TokyoDan Mushroom Warrior

  20. Lim_Dul

    Lim_Dul Kobold

    I really don't understand all this fatal fanaticism towards getting a damn beta key.

    I mean I'm not saying that I'd say no to one but do you guys really want to be playing a buggy, unstable beta release that's missing over half the content and likely crashes every 5 minutes with you probably having to restart the game all over again once it's released?

    Isn't it better to better to just wait till the polished version comes out rather than staying glued to your computer screens all day while destroying your F5 key in the process?

    On another note I think it's a great idea to spread our beta keys on twitter and fb. Like some else already said it'll be interesting to draw in a more casual crowd and get a fresh perspective on their views of the game as opposed to all the hardcore fan boys and girls here on this forum.
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