Beta Keys coming here!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Jon, Jan 10, 2013.

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  1. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    I dont want to start a fight but how exactly a player that doesnt own the game gives good feedback? You cant know where you are on the list because is random and 2 more things : 1- If you know it more people will want to know, 2- Why is important to know? I mean: ok you are the 594 in the list, how this help you? Can you playing know it? Can you make they deliver it faster? You dont need to know, when you get in you will get the email so why stay all the time online? You dont need to, you cant really blame them for posting the keys when you were away/sleeping because every single person that dont got a key can say that, and more important I dont remember giving feedback as a thing that you do for a reward, you do it because you want! because you want to HELP them, not to think need to be rewarded
  2. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    You can pretty much make suggestions for interface solutions by viewing videos/watching screenshots by connecting the facts you already know. Not that hard if you think about it at least a little..
  3. Kinetic

    Kinetic Kobold

    Like I said on Facebook Jon, scrap this key giveaway thing. Look at the reaction you are getting from those that don't make it, and they are nice enough to tell you how they are feeling. There could be untold others who simply close their browser in disgust, and whoops, you just lost a potential paying customer.

    Maybe you should talk to us about what is going on currently in beta to get those that haven't made it in yet to calm down a bit. How many people are in now? How many are currently on the list? Why are you inviting so few at a time? Do you plan to ramp up that number anytime soon, and if so, what milestones are you aiming for first? Give the mob a target and they turn much more docile. Leave them in the dark and they turn angry very fast.

    And just to make you feel better, people are getting this upset because the game looks great. No one would be losing their mind like this if the game looked boring. ;)
  4. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    Why is a bad idea? reddit is a famous page, like 9gag or 4chan with tons of people, if they do a contest there will definitely rise the amount of fans of the game

    Still not better that a player that owns the game, dont you think? I get you are mad, I get you are frustrated (I'm too) but as say it before giving feedback as a thing that you do because you want! because you want to HELP them, not to think that you need to be rewarded. Consider it this way now its beta its full of bugs and you will lose the items once the game launches, so the beta isn't that great
  5. Jason

    Jason Kobold

    I was under the impression that the game was free to play? How would they lose a paying customer?
  6. Kinetic

    Kinetic Kobold

    They will be selling things within the game, that is how free to play works. They are hoping you enjoy the game so much for free that you will be willing to spend small amounts here and there for more content or to take shortcuts.

    You didn't think they were going to make this game and run the servers etc just to be generous did you? Who would pay for all the development and upkeep?
  7. Gedeone

    Gedeone Kobold

    Not everything will be free lol. Thats what he meant with "paying customer". EDIT: i should refresh before posting a reply XD
    Anyway, i agree with Kinetic: posting keys here is...well, let's just say i dont think it worked out as intended. IMHO.
  8. Kinetic

    Kinetic Kobold

    I think the Reddit thing isn't a great idea because someone at Blue Manchu is going to have to take the time to read and judge the entries when I'm sure they have other more important things to be doing. Cool idea which will probably generate some interesting stories, but they are going to be caught off guard when suddenly there are a 1000+ entries that need to be looked over.
  9. Kodi

    Kodi Orc Soldier

    One paragraph, Only one entry per subscriber please, maybe they should make it 10 words
  10. Jason

    Jason Kobold

    Oh, I am more than aware of the store aspects of the game, but your response seems heavily weighted on the side of everyone spending money on this game, when the facts don't bear that conclusion out.

    In other words, it's a strawman argument. You seem to be building the argument of why you should be given the keys to the kingdom in lieu of someone else with faulty logic.
  11. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Blue Manchu is free to grow their game however they want, we're not entitled to the beta just because we signed up to a list or post useful (or useless) feedback on a forum. We're selected randomly because it's more fair, since I doubt they have time to select people based on "potential usefulness in beta". These extra keys given out are used to build hype for their game, not to try to upset you. C'mon people, calm down and try to be realistic - the extra keys are very very few, as you can see.

    Me I was asleep, during the last giveaway - so I'll keep waiting.
  12. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    I think they should stop posting keys via FB, tweeter or here on forums. FCFS method is bad for this think. They should distribute them quietly via e-mail or make some competitions. Why? Because FCFS method is the thing which makes people melt with anger. Making it quietly or having some kind of competition would calm down.

    And here is video showing what it looks like right now
  13. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    That anger is due to entitlement. Let it go man, for your own good - melting isn't good for the brain I hear ;)
  14. Insolentius

    Insolentius Kobold

    The short story contest is a good idea and I had fun partaking in it. Let the best scribe win.
  15. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    I'm hoping they will come with something like graphic ;) I'm not good story teller, especially in english which isn't my native..
  16. Insolentius

    Insolentius Kobold

    Having you mention that English isn't your native language made me notice an egregious error on my part. English is the 2nd language for me as well, which makes this contest just a dash more interesting and challenging.
  17. Lorenzo

    Lorenzo Kobold

    damn... new keys and i was at the gym. :(
  18. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    Take it with ease, we all got no keys :D

    Do U C wut I did thar?
  19. MrMojoRisin

    MrMojoRisin Goblin Champion

    LOL, I still tried all three of the keys given today, even though it was hours later. Never know, right?
  20. Szczypior

    Szczypior Orc Soldier

    It's just a matter of time ppl will start trying to type some random stuff while registering where key box is :D
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