Beta 2.16 (27 May 2013)

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Jon, May 27, 2013.

  1. Lauris

    Lauris Kobold

    OK, so, basically, whatever party/items/progress I have in Beta, I will have to start anew when the game goes public?
  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

    Lauris likes this.
  3. Sayeth Aether

    Sayeth Aether Mushroom Warrior

    Of course! How would you want the game to be balanced when there would be players with roflstomping equipment in regards to others who want to play this game but had not gotten a beta access? Everyone will get a fresh start to reduce the complaints of the new players + it is necessary in order to add new stuff and functionality to the game, including cards, coop multiplayer and maybe more challenges.
  4. Card Hunter Joe

    Card Hunter Joe Blue Manchu

    We did another pass on this yesterday and put some of the pizza references back in. I am caught in between conflicting visions of take-out food.
    Jayce likes this.
  5. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    But you are very, very amusing about it. And your efforts are appreciated.
  6. Sauron

    Sauron Kobold

    I found the early pizza references helped with my immersion of playing games at Gary's house. My friends will order pizza when we play board games too!
  7. SigioCroceus

    SigioCroceus Kobold

    Unless...its by Goblins...
  8. Megadestructo

    Megadestructo Shark Card

    I don't understand why anyone would ever complain about pizza.
  9. Grombak

    Grombak Orc Soldier

    I once had a really bad pizza...
  10. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I once payed for the most exclusive pizza on the menu got what looked like a quarter of a pizza with a single leaf of salad and a sliver of tasty olive oil on it. I was too amused by the pure idiocy of charging almost twice as much for that as a crust and cheese pizza that i couldn't bring my self to care about being ripped off.
    SigioCroceus and Grombak like this.
  11. SigioCroceus

    SigioCroceus Kobold

    Did you partake of the "Salad Pizza" though?

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