Gambeson Armor Armor 2, 2+. If this armor prevents damage that has already been reduced by another armor card, it gains Keep. @Frostguard Networked Armor Armor Armor 1. This armor will trigger for every ally on your team. Keep. @Maniafig Mithril Skeleton Armor 1. Melee Frenzy 1. Whenever an attack would kill you, discard this card instead. Mithril Skin Armor 1. Whenever this armor prevents damage from a melee attack, that character discards their oldest attack Hard Cover Bronze Quality Armor 1. Increase armor by 1 for each card in hand. "I'm just going to build a little barricade here while I wait for the goblins to make up their minds." - Snarri Goldsong Pack Mule Boost/armor Armor 1. All your cards gain Free Card. Roses are Red. Violets are Brass. If you've too much to carry, get a pack....mule.