[AotA] An Examination of Estranged Equipment

Discussion in 'Testing' started by Kalin, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    I'm not certain my team is up to this (level 16 elves), but let's take a shot at tracking down those rogue weapons.

    troll tyrant00t.png

    troll tyrant01t.png

    troll tyrant02t.png

    troll tyrant03t.png

    troll tyrant04c.png

    Curious lack of trolls on the cover...

    troll tyrant05pre1.png

    The cover said the troll king captured all the weapons. Also, should "must set to" be "are set"? I notice a distinct lack of warning concerning what I'll be facing in the first battle.

    troll tyrant06b1.jpg

    Aha! The famous Volcano Walls, which appeared in the editor before the Vulcan figures were introduced, but were not used for those boards. Also, how did my party enter this room?

    troll tyrant07post1.png

    That wasn't too bad...
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    troll tyrant08t.png

    troll tyrant09t.png

    troll tyrant10t.png

    troll tyrant11pre2.png

    troll tyrant12t.png

    troll tyrant13t.png

    troll tyrant14t.png

    troll tyrant15b2.jpg

    Again, my party finds themselves in the middle of a room, surrounded by monsters.

    (I died twice here, so I think I need to send my party through Yellow Dragon and Card Stock before trying this again.)

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