Aloyzo's Arsenal Official SUBMISSION Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Flaxative, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    @Deepweed, I like! $:^ ] Yeah, definitely feels less OP (less Rad Bomb esp for (major)(minor) 15 E) plus it now just has its own fun flair to it. So much Irrad terrain! $:^ D

    Building my priest now...

    [SRC] Anne Athema
    Level 1 Human Priest
    That was a fun 5-10 mins well spent. $E^ D $:^ }

    EDIT: Lol, I just looked at rarity. This particular priest wears one U, one R, one L, and seven E! $:^ P
    (plus, I bolded the most ridiculous highlights in the priest's cards)
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2016
    Inkfingers likes this.
  2. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    Could someone check the level of my submission? It should be level 18 or higher, but I might have miscalculated.
  3. Maniafig

    Maniafig Thaumaturge

    This is the first time I've made a submission and wasn't sure if it fits the rules, I was inspired by the Doom card on the Evil Hourglass so decided I might as well go for a full-on doomsday device.

    Doom seems like a very hard-to-balance card since it's such an all-or-nothing card, and on the Evil Hourglass it's balanced by the presence of Bad Luck. I wanted to make sure my submission is on-theme, hence the device being powered by unholy and demonic energy/power, Push the Button to emulate activating the device (chance of malfunction adds to it), Doom for its effect and Bad Luck for either the user or the used-upon for when it expires or gets purged off. Devastating Blow's mostly there to fill out the melee quota with a somewhat overvalued card and because it's fun to imagine clonking someone over the head with a doomsday device.

    I'm not sure if it's overpowered or not though, it does come with two card drawing cards which assist in getting access to Doom, but on the other hand it's just one Doom for two tokens which also comes with two cumbersome cards and a random Push the Button, compared to a Doom per blue token with a Bad Luck and Fragility Curse, the latter of which is quite useful. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is it fine as it is? Should Doom be on an AA winner?
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  4. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    As much as I like to "play to win," I'll tell you what I have in mind. This kind of loosely replies to Elves and fig, but it's more of advice/suggestion to everyone reading. I haven't even read the official contest thread yet; I just see the title to it.

    We have 16 new AI items. We have 17 item slots. Let's fill that empty slot. $E^ ]

    (Now watch Flax have already announced that's the item we're supposed to fill. Ha.)
    Magic Elves, Potatus and Maniafig like this.
  5. Potatus

    Potatus Orc Soldier

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
    ParodyKnaveBob and Magic Elves like this.
  6. Magic Elves

    Magic Elves Thaumaturge

    I was thinking of an AI helmet, but I had an idea and I'm gonna stick with it, I think.

    I could have sworn that either Doom or Negative Energy Being was + or -, but if neither are that works too!
    Potatus and ParodyKnaveBob like this.
  7. Maniafig

    Maniafig Thaumaturge

    Doom is A+ according to Cards.csv, while NEB is AA-, guess it works out as well when they both are. :p
  8. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    Yeah, just dug through the equipment list for the sake of edumacation.

    Weapon,Shield,Divine Weapon,Staff,Divine Armor,Heavy Armor,Robes,Boots,Arcane Item,Divine Item,Arcane Skill,Divine Skill,Martial Skill,Elf Skill,Dwarf Skill,Human Skill


    From here, I'm 99.9% unfamiliar with AI's source material. All I know is what I've seen in CH since last night. I probably couldn't make that good of an item therefore, especially since warriors already seem to have so many AI options already.
  9. Reint

    Reint Ogre

    Somebody pretty much had to do it, so I figured I might as well. I didn't check with the Item Creator, so if it's Level 22+, well, oops. :p

    UGH, sorry all!!! I THOUGHT I was in the correct thread. I guess some of us shouldn't try to post to multiple threads with multiple tabs open...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :mad:
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  10. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    Funny! $:^ ] However, despite @Vholes' relatively successful Elf Skill with six Flattens, you might want to change your item type to match your card count. $;^ J
  11. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    I'm thinking of just making a hilarious item to fit the PA theme. Like "Jim Darkmagic's Magic" or something. Maybe his robe with that skull which would be cool too.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  12. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    @Reint: I hadn't clicked Like because "OP PLS NRF!" but then I also knew I hadn't checked the level of it either. Cards.csv says Extra Hack is an even Silver Quality -- making your item level 18, double major, legendary, just like Vibrant Pain and Blue Destruction! $:^ } Sooooo, yeah, at those costs, I believe I'm gonna go Like that item after all. $E^ b
  13. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Where can we find the cards for this expansion?
  14. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    The in-game console tells at the top all kinds of data that gets loaded. If you don't want spoilers, avoid. If you want research, dig in. - all the new AI cards are at the bottom - one big chunk of new AI items are near the center, then another big chunk are at the bottom

    Just remember, Flaxative said AI monster cards "are not on the table" in the contest's original post.
  15. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    Holy cow! It's unwatchable! :confused:
    How can I discriminate between players and enemy cards?
  16. Pawndawan

    Pawndawan Champion of Cardhuntria

    WexMajor likes this.
  17. Fanturluche

    Fanturluche Thaumaturge

    I'm just posting a picture of Attack The Darkness here so I can put it on my AA submission. (I can't upload files on the AA thread)
    Attack the Darkness.jpg

    For those who wouldn't know how to get a card picture from the game, open the console and use
    savecardart <quality> <cardname> - saves jpg of named card - quality 85 works well

    Edit: using "forceload <cardname> - forces load of card art for named card" lets you have the illustration even if you have not seen the card, else you may end up with an hourglass instead
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2016
  18. Founder

    Founder Hydra

    Is that actually a player card?
  19. Fanturluche

    Fanturluche Thaumaturge

    That's a card from a premade character in a certain mission. So, yes, it is a player card, but it is not on any item yet.
  20. Stexe

    Stexe #2 in Spring PvP Season

    AKA "not actually a player card"
    If it isn't on an item that is usable in multiplayer then it isn't a player card.

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