Aloyzo's Arsenal Official SUBMISSION Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by Flaxative, Nov 19, 2015.

  1. There aren't any minor token cushioning armor. Take it as you will.
  2. gulo gulo

    gulo gulo Guild Leader

    All I gotta say:

  3. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    :) :) :)
    I like it, but the name might be a bit long. Passive Resistance, maybe?
    On second thought, I like yours better.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
  4. Valadilene

    Valadilene Lizardman Priest

    Wasn't able to think of anything that'd make my tasty tasty armor actually.... useful (3x toughened hide strips(R)). Its a lv 1 legendary? Well, i guess that point is moot anyway for AA.
  5. rinco69

    rinco69 Thaumaturge

    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  6. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    Now'd be a good time for someone to submit Jump Back x3 on a shield (again(?)), right? $E^ b

    Meanwhile, I've been wanting to get a good Forward Thinking item for awhile, and haven't quite landed on it. Forward Thinking x2, Parry works, but it'd be superkeen if we could get more FT at lower cost than level 21 (majortoken). Forward Thinking x2, Cowardly would be a fascinating anti-synergy for the most part and would get it to a more usable level 15 (minortoken); building a tank-as-much-as-possible warrior, a tank/assist priest, or a pure control wizard would bypass it -- but even then, Cowardly and Fright (and even Fumble and Dropped Guard) are nowhere to be found on Human Skills. Slowed feels like a completely unthematic cop-out, that's for sure. At any rate, Aloyzo's not very interested in all-trait items for obvious reasons, and FT isn't the most thematic in and of itself for this month anyway.

    Maybe I should just be the one to throw in Jump Back x3...
    "Shield of Ultimate Jumping Back" is a little .. unsubtle, though. $E^ J

    Thoughts, peoples?

    edit: ha ha @rinco69 .. Violent Spin is generally worth token-spending, and Dwarves are often worth token-spending for movement in general .. I'd totally use that item in MP! .. however, I realized after I clicked "Like" that the boots' flavor being based on a martial art *might* hinder its chance of winning if a yet-more-pacifist item catches Aloyzo's eye.

    edit2: I believe originally you had VS x2, JB. I'd totally play that in MP. VS, JB x2, I might play, but am nowhere nearly as inclined as I was with the original submission. (Nevertheless, I understand the cost confusion making you change it. ~snaps fingers~ Oh well.)
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
    Hidden Jaguar and 40c_rudy like this.
  7. rinco69

    rinco69 Thaumaturge

    How about... Peaceful Thinker, Human Skill, Level 18: Inspirational Thinking, Forward Thinking, Slowed
  8. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Collectors tend to hate AA legendaries (and kinda hate epics), but that's a moot point, too. ;) You can edit your entry if you really think it's useless.
    B-b-but, this is a pacifist theme, and Violent Spin is so ... violent! :rolleyes:
    I like it. How about Backing Buckler?
    timeracers and ParodyKnaveBob like this.
  9. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    I considered some FT and IT items, too. Hard to make them feel thematic. Naming it "Peaceful" and hoping Slowed fits .. I can see that working on some level, but maybe that could be developed more. If Slowed got used, I'd want a name that really, really fits the bill. (I'll be cracking open my thesaurus shortly. I really need to be making a call right now, ha ha ha.)

    Fwiw, I also considered Sprint, Team! x2, Slowed, which is pretty funny imo $E^ ] but I expect that'd fall under "OP" category so hard, it'd get laughed at rather than published! $X^ D (In fact, I see now, it's not even x2 on any current item.)

    @Sir Veza: I thought about trying to make it fit a flair of .. like .. you get hit and bounce back for it .. but on further thought, the whole point of Jump Back is that you entirely avoid the enemy's card. Backing Buckler works, it really does, but .. I feel like it could be better. Frankly, the "Shield" of Ultimate Dodging not really thematically making sense as a shield .. I'd like a Jumping Back shield to be better than that, either parodically lampshading the "shield"-ness not making sense, or sensibly carrying a "this is not actually a shield" name/theme/feel to it.
    Sir Veza likes this.
  10. Guises

    Guises Goblin Champion

    All right, here's the thing: in terms of gameplay synergy, setting aside thematic considerations, this doesn't belong on a shield - it belongs on armor. I know Jump Back / Dodge / Reflexive Teleport seem like reusable blocks, but in order to take advantage of that reusability you need to carry them over from round to round. In other words, they're taking up the slots that your armor would normally occupy. So you want them to replace your armor rather than replace your blocks, or you're just going to have a lot of cards that you need to throw away at the end of each round.

    That was the reasoning behind my submission anyway. I've wanted to have a nimble dodgy sort of warrior for a long time, but light armor which focuses on evasion rather than protection just isn't available.
  11. rinco69

    rinco69 Thaumaturge

    But to celebrate the life and death of Valenzik it seems fitting for the Kobolds to dance. And what dance for Kobolds is more suitable than that of Capoeira!? You say violent spinning, I say passionate whirling!
    Sir Veza and ParodyKnaveBob like this.
  12. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge


    I'm having trouble following. Are you saying that you associate cards that Keep to be on Armor, and that's why they shouldn't be on Shields? Cloth Armor, Rusty Armor, Inspirational Armor, Auto Block, and one of Mom's and/or Cardotron's block cards immediately come to mind. Dodge doesn't even exist on armor. However, there is a Shield of Ultimate Dodging -- and plenty of shields with Jump Back or Dodge. Furthermore, with Jump Back's 3+ roll (and not affected by Hard to Block), why wouldn't someone want to keep it? Of course, if you really really can't bear to save it for the next round because it got used and it came from a shield, then 1. don't forget to discard any used Auto Blocks in your hand, and 2. just use Jump Back (or Dodge for that matter) as a Move card. $F^ J

    I hate to break it to you, but it appears you've missed something when it comes to gameplay synergy and the cards and item slots in question. Neither Dodge nor Reflexive Teleport appear on any Heavy Armor nor even any Divine Armor. RT appears on only four Robes, and Dodge appears on only one. Thematically and game-mechanically, Heavy Armor is all about soaking up the blows -- not reacting to evade them entirely. (Fwiw, non-Keep Skip only appears on Elf Skills, and Keep Quick Reactions only appears on Helmets.) One of the big reasons cited for why the Anti-Matter Shield submission (War Cry, Sundering Strike, Dropped Guard) didn't work in AA#1 is that shields get either blocks or reaction cards, and AMS had neither; the updated resubmission (War Cry x2, Dropped Guard) a couple months later still had neither blocks nor reactions. Shields getting reaction cards is both a played-out and a spoken rule. Heavy Armor exhibits nothing of the sort, that I'm aware of.

    I hope this helps,
    Sir Veza likes this.
  13. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

  14. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge


    @Dieben, yours is hilarious. I love it. The name definitely helps. @VermillionOcean is right; I was going to say its lack of any other armor card helps offset its minor token cost, but actually, that Stone Feet always taking off 1 damage after Cushioning reducing to 5 (if both are in play and on the same char) guaranteeing 4 or less damage, eek, might get OP status (esp. for minor) after all.

    @gulo gulo, yours is so literally hilarous, (literally having a quality of hilarity,) I laughed very loudly for many, many seconds straight -- perhaps a minute or more -- upon reading your name, seeing your cards, and envisioning playing with it. $:^ D $:^ D (My only concern is that intellectual property might get in the way, quite unfortunately. But hey, Jon likes it! lol) Ha ha ha, and I didn't even consider at that time what it'd be like to equip 14 Smoke Bombs! ha ha ha ha! (then drop over half of your remaining items with tokenless traits, aaah ha ha ha ha ha)

    Oh, and now I see FinalCheetah(whoops) @Hidden Jaguar submitted a very nice Foward Thinking item. ~nodnod~ Exquisite, considering it's a level 17 (minortoken) with all-usable cards, thus looking totally min-maxed yet somehow not feeling blatantly OP. $:^ } $:^ }
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2016
    Hidden Jaguar likes this.
  15. Guises

    Guises Goblin Champion

    I'm aware of the fact that heavy armor is all about absorption, that's why I said that armor which focuses on evasion rather than protection isn't available - I was trying to call attention to that. The point of the submission was to take a step towards changing this. A nimble warrior, which focuses on evasion rather than heavy protection is a perfectly valid and well-established archetype, and there are plenty of other cards in the game which would combo well with dexterous-style armor.

    I'm not saying that I associate cards with Keep to be on armor, there are plenty of counter-examples to that, what I'm saying is that you can only retain two cards from round to round and that this fact necessarily limits your focus when it comes to defensive options. You can focus on protection or you can focus on evasion, but you can't practically have a bunch of both in your deck. Otherwise you're just going to be drawing and throwing away defensive cards all the time. Single-use blocks are a different matter, since you often use those up in a single round. They can compliment either strategy.

    As things stand right now, you always have armor cards in your deck because your armor always has armor cards on it (not literally true, but practically true). This means that an evasion-focused warrior is always going to be non optimal. That said, given how many cards function and how a lot of equipment is designed (the Bec De Corbin, for example) I don't think that's really intended to be the case. The nimble warrior seems to be a supported archetype, it just doesn't work as well as it could.

    As for the comment by Stexe - he says at the top that those are some generalized opinions of his, I don't think there's any suggestion that they are hard and fast rules. There are already armors which break those rules, though not very many.
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.
  16. timeracers

    timeracers Guild Leader

    Are you saying my guide is worse then Stexe's guide or did you just think it was more convenient to use Stexe's guide in this case? If you think that my guide could use improvement please say so.
  17. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    Okay, that makes much more sense. Thank you for spelling all that out for me. $:^ )

    Since you're new to Aloyzo's Arsenal, you might (or might not) have missed a couple things that have been hashed and rehashed among the regulars and Flaxative for the past few months. One big guideline is to only put cards on items where they already exist in-game; although you can go against that and not be automatically disqualified, it's usually going to stand as true for the primary reason that AA items are not thoroughly tested before being introduced in-game, and thus Aloyzo (along with his messenger, Flaxative,) is pretty wary of crafting items which might obviously change the power balance in the game, including giving abilities to characters they never even had before. (The Halloween edition was an exception where Flak announced that Aloyzo was up for crafting five items, all with one monster card. An exception snuck through with five monster cards, but even then, that introduced the rules of sometimes-there-is-a-community-poll and BM-reserves-the-right-to-name-one-or-more-extra-winners, and that month, six items actually got chosen in the end. I hate even bringing this piece of history up, though, because (you'd be surprised) there's apparently still a certain amount of bad blood which seethes upon being reminded of that particular event.)

    Aside from that, it's true, creating an evasive warrior takes a lot more effort than creating a soak-up-damage warrior. One thing you might consider is equipping the Legendary Xander's Mail (if you have any) then throwing on as much evasive maneuvering as you can via Helmet, Boots, Shield, and Weapon. Of course, Elves (and Humans if you want to count Retreat) can add more evasion cards via racial skill. But even then, you can only stack so much before you're using/discarding your defensive cards -- yet the same could be said when you stack armor and blocks anyway. ~shrug~ Again, Officer's Harness (and Forward Thinking!) can help with that.

    I'd agree that the nimble warrior is not as supported as it could be. Dodge fails most of the time, and Jump Back usually isn't extremely helpful for Warriors (hence it costing less on their items, fortunately).

    By this time, though, this post might've been better off in the normal Aloyzo Discussion thread. (It's something how specific item discussions can so easily become general contest/gameplay discussions!)
  18. Sir Veza

    Sir Veza Farming Deity

    Stexe's entry was the first I came to. I'll PM you if I think of any improvements for your guide, but it looks good to me.
    Stexe likes this.
  19. ParodyKnaveBob

    ParodyKnaveBob Thaumaturge

    @BrockRitcey, why'd you change Scared Little Monkey to Fright? $:^ .
  20. WexMajor

    WexMajor Thaumaturge

    So, in the sake of maybe not being directly disqualified for putting a "holy item only" block on a shield, I modified yet again.
    Ironically, this time the shield is stronger...
    x1Lifesaving Block, x1 Hit The Deck, x1 Defender's Block
    ParodyKnaveBob likes this.

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