Not sure if this counts as a bug, but enemy castors grant buffs like frenzy to allies that have already spent their 1 attack per round.
Thanks for pointing it out. Coming to think of it i can actually see how this mechanic adds to the game. For what it's worth i think you are spot on with this report then (Ps: i am not in the beta, so have not seen the tutorial)
There's at least one white card out there, Energize, that an enemy spellcaster can use to allow a minion to attack again that round. I've seen some buffs cast on allies who can't then attack, but oftentimes those cards were going to be discarded that turn anyways, so I can see why the AI would cast them anyways on the off chance the player moved near that turn. I've also seen a Frenzy cast on an ally that killed the minion. Oops!