Accidentally deleted char

Discussion in 'Support' started by ejs160, Dec 24, 2014.

  1. ejs160

    ejs160 Kobold

    I accidentally deleted a level 10 human priest and there was no confirmation screen when I was looking at the premade packs and I accidentally bought one. Can you please restore my character and pizza? Thanks.
  2. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Buying a premade pack shouldn't delete chars. Did you look at the inactive roster to the far left? Also, you can hire new level 1 chars for 10 gold each or level 10 chars for 100 gold.

    But yes, buying packs and deleting chars could use confirmation dialogs.
  3. neoncat

    neoncat Feline Outline

    To offer some additional clarity based on in-game chatting - ejs accidentally bought a premade pack and would like to have the transaction reversed. I've helped ejs with the sidelined character in game.
    edit: ejs did accidentally click "delete" on the character, so it's probably not recoverable
    edit 2: unfortunately, the Songsword Tavern doesn't unlock until the level 13 maps are opened
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2014
  4. Scarponi

    Scarponi Moderator -> usually for a faster response. Make sure to give game name and explain in detail what happened and that there are two separate issues you're wanting resolved.
    Pengw1n likes this.

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