About the campaign missions that cost pizzas

Discussion in 'Card Hunter General Chat' started by renders, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. renders

    renders Kobold

    Am I the only one that thinks they should remove the pizza cost for those few missions in campaign.I mean I know they need money and etc but doesn't the extra item thing,chests,costumes etc cover that?I feel like it's a bad move having to pay for playable content in campaign too and some people that can't pay feel left out
    Kalin likes this.
  2. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    Longstanding topic of debate, really. Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, has preferences for what they'd like to see, whether we're talking "something to keep the non-paying player happy" or "something to make it feel like paying money is worthwhile." Here, we started way before beta began:


    I think one essential concern is this:
    Note that this is not the case here. The extra game modules aren't "the best content": they are alternate content. It's "something to make it feel like paying money is worthwhile," appealing to the psychology of certain gamers.

    The for-pay chests satisfy a DIFFERENT sort of gamer psychology.

    And the costumes satisfy yet ANOTHER sort.

    Now, there are those of us who would love to pay an up-front cost and "own the game," just like buying something for play at home. That includes me. But I won't get what I want because this is an online game with perpetual development and additions (and the developers need to eat). So, how can these devs make it worthwhile for all different gamers to hand over some money, while alienating as few gamers as possible?

    Hey, feel free to debate it more. I linked a thread from 2011 (yes, 2011), and we're still tossing out new threads almost every day. What do you think about gamer psychology here?
    Letharis likes this.
  3. Generica

    Generica Mushroom Warrior

    The idea of all-the-content-for-one-flat-price is really appealing to us as consumers. But I really don't think things are headed in that direction. League of Legends is of course a famously successful F2P game that has customers purchasing hundreds and thousands of dollars of content (mostly in skins and short-cuts) over the lifetime of an account. The ~$10 and ~$20 purchases add up and the weekly habit is encouraged with regular new content that appeals to the collector in people.

    Card Hunter will be on a smaller scale than that, but I expect the business model would preclude something like a $60 'lifetime pass' to the modules, pizza club, certain skins or what have you - they want to entice you into multiple purchases rather than bundling everything together.

    I liked the free pizza, and since there was enough of it to buy a multiplayer team and the end-game modules I don't see how anybody can feel left out. On the contrary the game as I've played it in beta over the last few months has been really upfront about how much advantage you get by buying into the pizza club and fair about letting you sample the other pay to win options.
  4. Kalin

    Kalin Begat G'zok

    Right now you can get all the content except costumes for $10. I'd really love to have a way to play the treasure hunts for free, even without the rewards. (The rewards mostly look like garbage, and I keep getting them in random chests anyway; got my second Lizard Hide Boots today.)
  5. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Which is why the epic is a star at the top of the tree not what you pay for.
  6. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    Are Treasure Hunts "pay per run" or is it that you pay once, and can then do the run once every day forever?
  7. Heretiick

    Heretiick Goblin Champion

    Pay per run

    Edit: I am wrong, I will see myself out
  8. Sir Knight

    Sir Knight Sir-ulean Dragon

    No, no. You pay once and then you can run them once every day forever.

    They also recently added an option to buy all the Treasure Hunts in a bundle, which is another drop in pizza cost.
  9. Lockon

    Lockon Mushroom Warrior

    Frankly, this is one of the best cases of pay to play content in an F2P game I've ever seen. Instead of locking you out of the end game content, and thus the best stuff, like some games would and have, it merely lets you pay to take a different path forward, with a little bonus(Most of which are kind of meh in my opinion, with the Wound and Dragonslayer being the only ones I think are any good.) that isn't even exclusive. Now, I wish they didn't make connected ones that you have to pay for the individual parts, like the Woodhome modules, and just made those a package deal, as having to pay for the resolution of a story in F2P game is BULL. Other than that, it's great.
  10. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    I agree with this - I sprung some dollars for pizza to pay for treasure hunts, and nothing else tempted me.

    I want extra content, not extra items.
  11. Tobold

    Tobold Goblin Champion

    Actually it is a bit of both. You can do the run once every day forever, but only the first run gives you extra treasure.

    On the matter on how people like to pay for games, I have found that everybody wants the stuff that he wants to do for free, and wants the stuff he can live without to be for pay. As there are a lot of people who don't care about cosmetic items, lots of people want only those to cost money. As everybody wants to get to the endgame, nobody wants the endgame to be behind a paywall. Personally I find the added mission for money a very fair deal.
  12. xienwolf

    xienwolf Goblin Champion

    I would assign the extra missions to being "cosmetic" as well. They give you items which most people are saying really aren't that great, so otherwise it is just more gold and XP per day. Personally, I don't play so often in a day that I run out of sources for either, making these missions pure fluff.
  13. Gerry Quinn

    Gerry Quinn Goblin Champion

    They are still extra content, though - new missions to try instead of repeating ones you have beaten before. I wouldn't describe that as fluff.
  14. Lockon

    Lockon Mushroom Warrior

    Yes, but you don't HAVE to play them in order to advance, and it doesn't make it any easier to either, just different. It's why I like it, equal but different. Exactly how F2P and P2P players should feel. Or do you guys want to have to pay for every module past level 18?
  15. xophnog

    xophnog Mushroom Warrior

    I see the "for pay" modules as a sort of DLC, so I don't mind that they charge for it. The items are nice, but mostly "meh" and you can get them all from random drops, so there is no real advantage gained by paying players over non-paying players. It gives more options when you want another module to do, and it is a payment model that I feel I can support as it fits my playing habits. (Monthly subscriptions just don't work for me and I'm not that interested in cosmetics beyond my "gotta chatch'em all" compulsion that is easily ignored.)

    I think Blue Manchu has done a pretty good job of providing a variety of different ways for paying for the game without making any of them feel like you are buying some significant advantage over other players. (I haven't bought epic chests yet.) The game must be payed for. What is a payment model that you would be willing to put money into?
  16. kogi

    kogi Ogre

    I have bought pizza but have not bought any of the paid campaigns. I don't think it has affected my game at all.

    Gonna repeat myself here

    This is a free to play game. If you enjoy the game and want to continue playing. You need to ensure that the devs are paid for their work
  17. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Except for the first one which you get for free so it doesn't need to apply i find the treasure hunts are as hard if not harder than adventures of similar levels so its hardly some awesome skip tool either. I love how they are right now and i will definitely buy a few as i play through the campaign. That is despite having played them all many many times in beta and most likely not wanting more than one of those items as i really enjoy them.
  18. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    The premium adventures also feature som rare enemies not (at least yet) seen in the main campaign (Hydra, Yellow Dragon, Geomancers et c) - and some enemies get introduced earlier than in the main campaign (various undead et c). I'm a big fan of the premium adventures, and would argue some of them are my favourites.
    Phaselock likes this.
  19. renders

    renders Kobold

    still i wish we could these missions for free,or maybe give them a high gold cost
  20. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    You're entitled to your opinion - but this is the thing in the game I have felt most open to pay for. So just wanted to show that there are people who feel the opposite :)
    xophnog and skip_intro like this.

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