4 Turns without attack cards... A serious unluck problem

Discussion in 'Feedback and Suggestions' started by MrKaralis, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    It's the fourth time in a week of beta that i had 4 turns long run without attack cards.
    I think that's a serious problem because it's not really fun when you can do nearly nothing other than run or taking damage passing turns.
    I suggest to not underestimate that problem, if a casual gamer find that unluck problem can quit to play the game.
  2. RoflCat

    RoflCat Goblin Champion

    How many non-attack/non-traits card do you have in your deck?

    Because if you have too many of them, obviously you'll run into this problem.
  3. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Maybe you have too many movement cards in your deck? Try to get the boots/helmet with attacks on if you can (if it's a fighter). Helps with these kind of thing - also, 4 draws in a week isn't very much tbh.
  4. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    i equip the best item mostly with attack card and try to discard/use movement cards.
    4 unlucky draws of four turn each are too much for me that i'm very hyped about the game so i think would be a mortal blow for a casual gamer.
  5. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    True, but I can't say it's happened to me more than occasionally and my chars are almost lvl 11 by now.
  6. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    Honestly it just seems to be they make everything just do so much damage, if you don't get a good draw you are pretty much dead. I mean I remember them saying (at least with heals) that they didn't want really long matches because it would get boring, but when everything around is 3 hitting you it does get a bit too much. Everyone has found their own way around this, but if you don't get the draw for 4 turns your prob going to at least lose one person if not several, because there is no "Wiggle" room. I said this about another dungeon or two, but it seems to be a reoccurring theme of just guys that do massive damage.

    To be honest I think they need to lower the damage all around, and slow things down a bit. If you get nothing (No armor, No dodges, nothing) you have no other choice but to stay away because they will do so much damage that they can if not one shot you, then two or three. And I am talking people with 20-30 Hit points.. that is nothing when they have attacks that do half your life in a single hit.

    Now true this would give us lower attacks as well, but it shouldn't be who gets the one-hit card first, there should be some tactics or strategy.. It isn't good when all your doing is trying to race them to that one attack card because if they get it first ya die, and if you do ya win.
  7. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Make sure your priest packs altruism/inspiration combo - and you'll never - or at least seldom run into either of these probems. Any additional card draw is very very useful in this game.
  8. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    They have those too, and they have better attacks/Armor draws most the time. I am not saying that there are not ways around it. But I am saying that since they want to give every fighter an attack that does 12+ damage, or every mage several that do at least 8+ it is going to just be over so quick if you don't get your cards first or second turn your done. Now there are some maps that it takes time to get to your opponent and that is good cause it gives ya at least time to get something going, but even then a single oops, or a better draw then yours and your done.

    If things did less damage then matches would be a little longer, and not depend on those super high hitting cards. It would depend more on getting several attacks that do damage, and give you time more to work with things such as combo's and etc. But if you can't even get close, because when you do ya will just die in two hits.. that is a problem (Unless it is specifically that type of monster.. Like the goblin maps, or the dragon)

    Lets look at the combo you gave.. You need altruism which is 3 cards.. Right now I have 37 in my current "load-out". Now with Inspiration, lets just say you have 9 of them.. I don't, but I think that would be the max you could have on a priest. So if you don't draw Altruism (Chances are low) first turn, you would have to spend a turn casting Inspiration to try to draw one. If they are on ya already (Which on a lot of maps they could be) you could of already just lost half your life. If you didn't get it.. and so you try again. Boom.. another hit, that either could kill you or bring you super low. Repeat as needed...

    I am just saying they need to give the cards time to work, and with everything being so high of damage it is rushing it to the point where it is all luck based, and there is no real time for strategy.. Of course I don't mean all the maps, and I understand there are some large guys that should have them, but it is way over done.
  9. Pengw1n

    Pengw1n Moderately Informed Staff Member

    Inspiration works as a single card (but you still need to get lucky with the draw - the altruism bit just makes it even better), also there's parry and other block types that has draws et c. This is a suggestion to minimize situations such as the op suggested - not something that's needed every turn. I find it very useful - and I'm only running a few of each (3+ in 36).
  10. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    First let me say I agree with you Altruism/Inspiration is a good setup to get a lot of extra cards. There are also spells that will give you extra cards per turn. I don't mean to say this is a "Bad Idea" or anything like that. It is good advice to keep the cards coming if you have a Priest in your party.

    I am just saying.. the base problem isn't just not getting your cards when ya need them. It is that if you don't.. if you hit a stream of bad luck like this.. That there is very little "Coming Back".. That you can run, in a lot of maps this is an option.. heaven help ya if your playing a Dwarf. But in a lot of them, even running will only get you so far.

    The base problem is since the cards do so much damage, it puts a rush on everything. And in these situations it can be difficult to stall, or get past a bit of bad luck because you will already be dead before it ends. Since the damage is so high, it doesn't leave much time for you if you don't get something to lower it, or even kill them first (since we have those super high hitting cards too). And that it becomes a race, and in times like this it can be frustrating cause if your not lucky enough to win that race, no matter what strategy you have chosen it doesn't matter because you will be dead before you can use it. If damage was lower, or the chances of coming back if you get a bit of bad luck were higher, then this would be a lot less of a problem.
  11. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    I totally agree
  12. Zalminen

    Zalminen Hydra

    TheRev does have a point.

    Especially in fights where you start surrounded even a single turn where you have bad luck with your draws will often mean a dead hero.
    It's not that big a problem when there's enough room to flee but often that's not an option due to a cramped map or a high amount of enemies.

    I've been using Altruism/Insipiration but that combo hasn't exactly proven its usefulness yet. Usually the roll just fails or I just draw another move or armor card :confused:

    Then again I do like the fact that the fights are usually quick and exciting so I wouldn't go as far as generally lowering the damages across the line but there are certainly several adventures that could use some tuning...
  13. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    The better combo I have found with Priests are the Buff/Extend. Where ya give your people buffs, and then try to extend them as long as you can. I have used Altruism with Inspiration, and it does work but you have to cast it on others it seems, and hope for the best. There are also cards like Accelerated Thought or Holy Insight that will just give ya extra cards every turn. Note though A.T. is an unholy card so wouldn't activate Altruism.
    Everyone is always in such a hurry.. Slow down man the game isn't going anywhere :p heh
  14. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    I only ever see this problem on my warrior because he is packing so much armor but then again i have him set up like that because i want to i could easily get another 3-4 attacks in to his deck instead of the armor also don't underestimate the power of traits as they basically reduce your deck size by one same goes for drawbacks that generally don't matter like the fire one.
  15. Rapid

    Rapid Mushroom Warrior

    It happened to me too at some point (mind you, it was after a looong streak of not happening at all, so can't really complain). Sometimes you just draw the wrong cards. Wear less armor if it's too much of a problem. (I'm only up to lvl 3 though, so maybe as you have more slots, you get more non-combat cards, I'll have to play more to find out)
  16. skip_intro

    skip_intro Ogre

    Armour / Blocks always help. Some of the Dodge / "Enemy Looks at You - Move" cards help. Changing the mix of your deck helps, though this is only going to happen by playing more.

    This thread is right up the "can I have a guaranteed attack card" alley, I think.
  17. TheRev

    TheRev Orc Soldier

    I don't think so man, I think some people are getting into situations where they are starting to realized how luck (Draw wise) it is, for example I have actually had fighters with 3 weapons, Helmet, boots, and Dwarven (Whatever that racial bonus spot is called), that were all attack cards or cards to get attack cards, and had this happen.

    There are a few good strategies to minimize the chances of this happening, and should be followed (Or improved if ya can). But they are all just a stopgap for bad draw. A lot of the time you just don't have the time to do this, and you will die, or be put in such a bad situation it is impossible to win the level. There are retries, and this is usually what your going to have to fall back on. A bit of strategy, and planning will minimize the chance of this happening. If it is happening all the time then you might need to change what you have to more defense mixed in to try to stay alive when this happens, or movement so you can try to get away.. etc.

    Just try to keep in mind not every hand can be perfect, but at lower levels (Under 7-8ish) it is a lot harder since you have a lot of trash cards that you have to mix in (Weak Strike to get that powerful chop for example). Try to keep the attacks you get if you can, and always.. always.. try to survive. If your living you might get that draw, but a dead char is gone so there is no chance left.

    One last thing... this game isn't easy.. it is mainly luck based with a lot of things, and its supposed to be very fast. Although I don't agree with this, it is an advantage to you as well as them, and one you should take up if you can... Good luck.
  18. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    I don't want the game to become easy, i'm just pointing to a possibly annoyance in the game.
    When you are without attacks and ended your movements card too you can just keep passing and taking damage (beacause the enemy are always plenty of attack cards)... repeat that for two, three or even four rounds and eventually you'll find the game annoying.
    If you play poker and you always end with bad hands, you continue to play? I usually quit when that happens.... and after many quits maybe you'll end to play something else.
  19. Wozarg

    Wozarg Thaumaturge

    Well you have 36 cards in a full deck lets say 2 traits and 1 drawback that replaces since that is about what i would be running so 33 cards you now draw for 4 turns that is 8 cards standard. if you have 2 moves which i generally run and 3 blocks 5 armor then since it is possible to draw 9 cards without getting a attack 4 turns in a row will happen. Feel free to correct my math but the chance should be in the area of. 0.000064% chance to draw those 8 cards in a row if you have 9 non attacks.
  20. MrKaralis

    MrKaralis Mushroom Warrior

    don't know the chance but happened to me or else i would never opened this topic. :/

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