Can't access my username due to playing on Kongregate

Discussion in 'Support' started by Graesholt, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Graesholt

    Graesholt Kobold

    I started playing on Kongregate, but realized that I'd rather play on the site.
    I attempted to log in with my Kongregate account, but it said that it did not exist.
    When I tried to register an account though, it says my username is taken, which is severely unlikely, as I have never in my life had this username (Graesholt) be taken in anything.

    If the username 'Graesholt' is locked due to my signing up on Kongregate today, would it be possible to request that account erased in order to start over on this site?

    I really would rather play it on here, and if I'm damned to do so without my username of choice due to playing on Kongragate for one day, that would suck tremendously.

    Thank you.

    P.s. Attached is documentation that the user on Kongregate belongs to me, and that the username is indeed taken. If what I ask for is possible, but will require further documentation, please let me know.

    Attached Files:

  2. Jon

    Jon Blue Manchu Staff Member

  3. Graesholt

    Graesholt Kobold

    Thank you, I will do so promptly!

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